microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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SimpleFlight and state estimation #2788

Open JacopoPan opened 4 years ago

JacopoPan commented 4 years ago

Is this

In current release we are using ground truth from simulator for our state estimation. We plan to add complimentary filter based state estimation for angular velocity and orientation using 2 sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer) in near future. In more longer term, we plan to integrate another library to do velocity and position estimation using 4 sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer and barometer) using EKF. If you have experience this area than we encourage you to engage with us and contribute!

still the case (I would believe so, by looking at AirSimSimpleFlightEstimator.hpp) and then something that might be worthwhile contributing to?

madratman commented 4 years ago

Yes, that is still the case. And is definitely something worth contributing to via a PR.
If you need help / feedback on the implementation, let's chat on this thread.

subedisuman commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am implementing an EKF-based state estimator in AirSim simple_flight as described in the issue above (using 4 sensors) as part of my Master's Thesis at TUM and IABG. My implementation is still in a very early phase, however, I would much appreciate your feedback. Here is the branch to the forked repository: I am looking forward to your comments and hope my developments will be beneficial for the AirSim community.

jonyMarino commented 2 years ago

Hi @subedisuman! That's great to hear. I will take a look at your fork when having time. I would love to see this becoming a PR.

subedisuman commented 2 years ago


In the following branch, I have implemented an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based state estimator as a part of my Master Thesis. It uses the following sensor measurements: IMU, GPS, Barometer, and Magnetometer to estimate the following states: local (NED) x-y-z positions, x-y-z velocities, attitudes, and IMU and barometer sensor biases. I have documented the changes I made below. There is also a demo to try things out and see results in plots :). I have tested it using Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS) build of AirSim and UE 4.25. I would say it is content-wise complete and would appreciate your comments and remarks to help make improvements and run tests and validations. I would also like to know the next steps towards a pull request. Thanks :).

Work so far

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Known Issues

There is already a solution mentioned, but I am not sure about this.

jonyMarino commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much @subedisuman, for the detailed update. You are doing an excellent job! Keep it up!

subedisuman commented 2 years ago

Hi @jonyMarino. Thank you for your kind remarks. Regarding the recent announcement to close the support for this repository, I wonder how it affects this potential pull request? I would love to get your feedback regarding this issue and the new strategy. The current implementation can make use of the AirSim imu, gps, barometer, and magnetometer sensor signals to compute and use estimated states based on configurable EKF parameters. Ongoing work-in-progress is to test the implementation. If possible, I would also love to get your feedbacks regarding the functionality, the implementation, the procedures to test it, and the next steps regarding the potential pull request. Thank you.