microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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The imu in car mode has a bug #4870

Open xuqingyuan2000 opened 1 year ago

xuqingyuan2000 commented 1 year ago

Bug report

What's the issue you encountered?

My system is ubuntu20.04. I use the scene in UE4.27.2 and airsim for simulation. I found that the IMU measurements have bug when using car mode , python api of car mode and ros together. For example, when the car is stationary on a flat surface, the Z-value of the linear acceleration in the imu measurement varies from 4 to 16. Process: (1) Set settings.json to car mode and equipped with IMU. The frequency of the IMU is 100Hz. The frequency of the camera image is 20Hz (2) Startup scenario run: AIRSIM/Unreal/Environment/Blocks/Blocks uproject Or download the official resource: Africa_Savannah. Run: Africa_Savannah/LinuxNoEditor/Africa_001 / Binaries/Linux/Africa_001 (3) In AIRSIM/ros, run: roslaunch airsim_ros_pkgs airsim_node.launch (4) In AIRSIM/PythonClient/car, run: python3 Let the car move, then brake to stop. Note: Any Python program that controls car motion through the Python api can be run here (5) rostopic echo /airsim_node/drone_1/imu/Imu Check the published IMU topic data, it can be seen that when the car does not move, the Z-value of linear acceleration is wrong.



{   "SeeDocsAt": "",   "SettingsVersion": 1.2,   "SimMode": "Car",   "ViewMode": "SpringArmChase",   "ClockSpeed": 1.0,   "Vehicles": {     "drone_1": {       "VehicleType": "PhysXCar",       "DefaultVehicleState": "Armed",       "EnableCollisionPassthrogh": false,       "EnableCollisions": true,       "AllowAPIAlways": true,       "Sensors": {         "Gps": {           "SensorType": 3,           "Enabled" : true         },         "Barometer": {           "SensorType": 1,           "Enabled" : true         },         "Magnetometer": {           "SensorType": 4,           "Enabled" : true         },         "Imu" : {           "SensorType": 2,           "Enabled": true         },                 "LidarCustom": {           "SensorType": 6,           "Enabled": true,           "NumberOfChannels": 64,           "PointsPerSecond": 10000,           "X": 0,           "Y": 0,           "Z": -1.5,           "DrawDebugPoints": false,           "DataFrame": "SensorLocalFrame"          }       },       "Cameras": {         "front_left_custom": {           "CaptureSettings": [             {               "PublishToRos": 1,               "ImageType": 0,               "Width": 640,               "Height": 480,               "FOV_Degrees": 100,               "TargetGamma": 1.5             },             {               "PublishToRos": 1,               "ImageType": 1,               "Width": 640,               "Height": 480,               "FOV_Degrees": 100,               "TargetGamma": 1.5             }           ],           "X": 1.75, "Y": -0.06, "Z": -1.25,           "Pitch": 0.0, "Roll": 0.0, "Yaw": 0.0         }       },       "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": 0,       "Pitch": 0, "Roll": 0, "Yaw": 0     }   },   "SubWindows": [     {"WindowID": 0, "ImageType": 0, "CameraName": "front_left_custom", "Visible": true}   ] }

How can the issue be reproduced?

1.Set settings.json to car mode and equipped with IMU. The frequency of the IMU is 100Hz. The frequency of the camera image is 20Hz

  1. Startup scenario run: AIRSIM/Unreal/Environment/Blocks/Blocks uproject Or download the official resource: Africa_Savannah. Run: Africa_Savannah/LinuxNoEditor/Africa_001 / Binaries/Linux/Africa_001 3.In AIRSIM/ros, run: roslaunch airsim_ros_pkgs airsim_node.launch
  2. In AIRSIM/PythonClient/car, run: python3 Let the car move, then brake to stop. Note: Any Python program that controls car motion through the Python api can be run here
  3. rostopic echo /airsim_node/drone_1/imu/Imu Check the published IMU topic data, it can be seen that when the car does not move, the Z-value of linear acceleration is wrong.

    Include full error message in text form

What's better than filing an issue? Filing a pull request :).