microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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"t_camera_car" is not consistent #4893

Closed brz-hub closed 8 months ago

brz-hub commented 8 months ago


What's your question?

Is the "Pos" and "Q" (Pose) in the generated file "airsim_rec.txt" the ground truth values for the vehicle or the camera? Regardless of whose ground truth it is, I expect the result of calculating "t_camera_car" to be a constant value.

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win11 ue5.11 block env

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However, the calculation result is not consistent. I added the following code in the function "getRecordFileLine" in "PawnSimApi.cpp": auto Cam_Pose = getCamera("0")->getCameraInfo().pose; ss << Cam_Pose.position.x() << "\t" << Cam_Pose.position.y() << "\t" << Cam_Pose.position.z(); This code is used to record the pose of the "center_front" camera. Later, I read the poses of the car and the camera to calculate "t_camera_car". I plotted the x and y trajectory using Python, and the result was a circular trajectory. 3d xy2

brz-hub commented 8 months ago

t_car_cam Sorry, it was my mistake. The airsim_recv.txt records the transformations T_world_camera and T_world_car, but I mistakenly thought it was T_camera_world and T_car_world. the code is No problem.