microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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clockspeed seems doesn't work in car sim mode #4894

Open haotiangu opened 8 months ago

haotiangu commented 8 months ago

Bug report

What's the issue you encountered?

in car sim mode, the actual clock speed does not match with the actual value. please see the airsim simulator screenshoot.


{ "ClockSpeed": 0.5, "SettingsVersion": 1.2, "SimMode": "Car", "ViewMode": "NoDisplay", "Vehicles": { "drone_1": { "VehicleType": "PhysXCar", "Sensors": { "imu_1": { "SensorType": 2, "Enabled": true }, "LidarCustom": { "SensorType": 6, "Enabled": true, "NumberOfChannels": 16, "PointsPerSecond": 10000, "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": -1, "DrawDebugPoints": true } }, "AllowAPIAlways": true, "Cameras": { "centercamera_1": { "CaptureSettings": [ { "ImageType": 1, "Width": 640, "Height": 480, "FOV_Degrees": 90, "TargetGamma": 1.5 } ], "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": -2, "Pitch": 0, "Roll": 0, "Yaw": 0 }, "leftcamera_1": { "CaptureSettings": [ { "ImageType": 0, "Width": 640, "Height": 480, "FOV_Degrees": 90, "TargetGamma": 1.5 } ], "X": 0, "Y": -0.5, "Z": -2, "Pitch": 0, "Roll": 0, "Yaw": 0 }, "rightcamera_1": { "CaptureSettings": [ { "ImageType": 0, "Width": 640, "Height": 480, "FOV_Degrees": 90, "TargetGamma": 1.5 } ], "X": 0, "Y": 0.5, "Z": -2, "Pitch": 0, "Roll": 0, "Yaw": 0 } }, "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": 0, "Yaw":0 } }, "CameraDirector": { "FollowDistance": -0.5, "X":-0.5, "Y":0, "Z": 0.5 } }


How can the issue be reproduced?

1. 2.

Include full error message in text form

What's better than filing an issue? Filing a pull request :).