microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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Problem of matching the simulated speed of a data set with the real set speed #4915

Open UESTC-LU opened 5 months ago

UESTC-LU commented 5 months ago

What feature are you suggesting?


Currently I'm working on vehicle IMU data acquisition, using Python's API, I import the vehicle position frame by frame and acquire the IMU data, but there's a problem: in UE4 the vehicle speed is related to the simulation speed, not to the original frame rate, is there a setting or a better API to provide time information to the simulation while setting the vehicle position?

Smaller Details:

Here's the API I use and the data format imported by the vehicle simulation API Which vpose[0]-vpose[5] represent respectively x y z roll pitch yaw Here's the main code: