microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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Camera cannot automatically expose after rendering is turned off #4918

Open zhongxiangrong opened 5 months ago

zhongxiangrong commented 5 months ago

Bug report

What's the issue you encountered?

I customized a scene that uses post-processing volume control to auto-exposure. I found that after using NoDisplay or FlyWithMe in the ViewMode line of the settings file, the camera's automatic exposure capability was abnormal. In FlyWithMe mode, the camera's automatic exposure accelerates and decelerates faster. What causes this? Is there any way to solve it? I tried modifying the automatic exposure parameters in the settings file, but it had no effect. I tried to modify Airsim's Bp_PIPCamera blueprint in the UE4 editor, added automatic exposure to its camera component and SceneCaptureComponent, and checked the fixed persistence rendering state. But nothing seems to have changed. 2024-01-25 21-58-15屏幕截图 2024-01-25 21-58-29屏幕截图


{ "SettingsVersion": 1.2, "SimMode": "Multirotor", "DefaultVehicleConfig": "SimpleFlight", "LocalHostIp": "", "UsageScenario": "", "RpcEnabled": true, "ViewMode":"NoDisplay", "Recording": { "RecordOnMove": false, "RecordInterval": 0.05, "Sensors": { "Imu" : { "SensorType": 2, "Enabled": true }, "LidarCustom": { "SensorType": 6, "Enabled": false }, "Barometer": { "SensorType": 1, "Enabled" : false }, "Gps": { "SensorType": 3, "Enabled" : false },
"Magnetometer": { "SensorType": 4, "Enabled" : false }, "Distance": { "SensorType": 5, "Enabled" : false } }, "Cameras": [ { "CameraID": 0, "ImageType": 0, "PixelsAsFloat": false, "Compress": true } ] }, "TimeOfDay": { "Enabled": true, "StartDateTime": "2020-02-12 0:20:00", "CelestialClockSpeed": 1, "StartDateTimeDst": false, "UpdateIntervalSecs": 60 }, "SubWindows": [ { "WindowID": 0, "CameraName": "front_left", "ImageType":false }, { "WindowID": 1, "CameraName": "front_right", "ImageType": 0, "Visible": false }, { "WindowID": 2, "CameraName": "bottom_center", "ImageType": 0, "Visible": false } ], "CameraDefaults": { "CaptureSettings": [ { "ImageType": 0, "Width": 640, "Height": 480, "FOV_Degrees": 100, "AutoExposureSpeed": 200, "AutoExposureBias": 0, "AutoExposureMaxBrightness": 0.64, "AutoExposureMinBrightness": 0.03, "MotionBlurAmount": 0, "TargetGamma": 1.0 } ], "NoiseSettings": [ { "Enabled": false, "ImageType": 0,

    "RandContrib": 0.2,
    "RandSpeed": 100000.0,
    "RandSize": 500.0,
    "RandDensity": 2,

    "HorzWaveStrength": 0.08,
    "HorzWaveVertSize": 1.0,
    "HorzWaveScreenSize": 1.0,

    "HorzNoiseLinesContrib": 1.0,
    "HorzNoiseLinesDensityY": 0.01,
    "HorzNoiseLinesDensityXY": 0.5,

    "HorzDistortionContrib": 1.0,
    "HorzDistortionStrength": 0.002

}, "Vehicles": { "drone_1": { "VehicleType": "SimpleFlight", "DefaultVehicleState": "Armed", "EnableCollisionPassthrogh": false, "EnableCollisions": true, "AllowAPIAlways": true, "RC": { "RemoteControlID": 0, "AllowAPIWhenDisconnected": false }, "Cameras": { "front_left": { "CaptureSettings": [ { "ImageType": 0, "Width": 640, "Height": 480, "FOV_Degrees": 100, "TargetGamma": 1.0 } ], "X": 0.5, "Y": -0.06, "Z": 0.0, "Pitch": 0, "Roll": 0, "Yaw": 0 }, "front_right": { "CaptureSettings": [ { "ImageType": 0, "Width": 640, "Height": 480, "FOV_Degrees": 100, "TargetGamma": 1.0 } ], "X": 0.5, "Y": 0.06, "Z": 0.0, "Pitch": 0, "Roll": 0, "Yaw": 0 } } } } }

How can the issue be reproduced?

1. 2.

Include full error message in text form

What's better than filing an issue? Filing a pull request :).

zhongxiangrong commented 5 months ago

2024-01-25 22-15-30屏幕截图

The left picture shows the FPV perspective, and the right picture shows the ROS topic subscription perspective. There are differences between the two.