microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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Building Blocks on Mac OS Sonoma with Apple Silicon chip #4922

Open NikitaYeryomin opened 4 months ago

NikitaYeryomin commented 4 months ago


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I was previously able to successfully build AirSim Blocks environment on MacOS BigSur with intel chip. However, getting issues building it on new Mac with Mac OS Sonoma 14.1 and Xcode 15.2 (please see attached screenshot). There are a bunch of deprecation warnings/errors which can't be removed, e.g. IsTriviallyCopyAssignable.h:13:17 builtin has_trivial_assign is deprecated; use is_trivially_assignable instead [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-builtins]

I tried to enable the -Wno-deprecated-builtins flag as shown on the screenshot, but it still does not help. Also tried to follow the workaround described here: But Xcode 13.4.1 is crashing when launched on Sonoma unfortuntely.

Kindly looking for an advice.

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juan5705 commented 4 months ago

Same issue here... seems like we need Xcode 13 for building the engine. I tried to build with Xcode 14 with Project Format "Xcode 13 - compatible" but I got the same problem.

Did you find a solution?

NikitaYeryomin commented 4 months ago

Same issue here... seems like we need Xcode 13 for building the engine. I tried to build with Xcode 14 with Project Format "Xcode 13 - compatible" but I got the same problem.

Did you find a solution?

Nope, switched to my old mac for now, but definitely it's a huge issue.

juan5705 commented 4 months ago

Ok, on my side I was finally able to build Blocks environment on Sonoma using Colosseum and XCode 14.3.1.

nikita-noteunlimited commented 4 months ago

Ok, on my side I was finally able to build Blocks environment on Sonoma using Colosseum and XCode 14.3.1.

Great, can you share some details?

greglo commented 3 months ago

@nikita-noteunlimited I just got Colosseum running on a M1/Sonoma/XCode 15.2 with the following steps

1. Fresh install of Colosseum and Unreal 5.2 (set as current)
2. In Colosseum, update and to use llvm 13 (not 8)
3. Update to add `-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64` to CMAKE_FLAGS
4. After opening the XCode Workspace, in Blocks and blocks_build > Build Settings > Search for arm64
  - Update all values to x86_64
5. XCode Top menu > Product > Destinations > Destination Architectures > Enable "Show both"
6. Build using "My Mac (Rosetta)"
AYHSASIDDIKADOLA commented 2 weeks ago

@nikita-noteunlimited I just got Colosseum running on a M1/Sonoma/XCode 15.2 with the following steps Can you please explain more point no 3? any tutorial please ?im woring for my research im stuck here

nikita-noteunlimited commented 2 weeks ago

@nikita-noteunlimited I just got Colosseum running on a M1/Sonoma/XCode 15.2 with the following steps Can you please explain more point no 3? any tutorial please ?im woring for my research im stuck here

@AYHSASIDDIKADOLA I believe your question is for @greglo, since I have not tried the approach he described above.