microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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Need Help with Mavlinkcom library of airsim #4934

Open kcee454 opened 3 months ago

kcee454 commented 3 months ago


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How to get mavlink data in unreal engine user widget?

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I am trying to get mavlink data from ardupilot sitl and display it in unreal engine user widget using airsim. while searching on internet, with MAVLinkCOM library, it seems to be possible. But , as there aren't any example and resources available on this. I couldn't make it work. Can someone tell be the best way to get mavlink data to unreal engine and if Mavlinkcom is option can anyone provide basic example code to connect ardupilot with upd and get current status of drone?

Context details

I am using unreal engine 4.27

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