microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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The coordinates for the home point are not set! #4960

Open ReplanZ opened 1 month ago

ReplanZ commented 1 month ago


Hi all! For a week now since the installation, I have been trying to understand the reason why PX4 does not receive coordinates for AirSim from GPS. I checked all possible options and still did not find a solution to my problem. I tested various versions PX4 starting from 1.12.0 beta 1(since I use WSL and cannot use versions lower than this) and ending with 1.14.3 (here it generally EKF shows "missing data") What could I be doing wrong because of what PX4 does not accept my coordinates and cannot determine them at all. The problem is relevant for me because due to this problem I cannot control the drone. Thanks for the answer!


I installed OriginGeopoint in a file settings.json and it doesn't solve my problem. I read the topics that have already been raised and did not find a solution to my problem in them either.

WSL Ununtu 20.04 : Here I have PX4 and everything related to ROS. Windows: Here I have AirSim.


Windows WSL Ubuntu 20.04, AirSim version 1.8.1, Python 3, Unreal version 4.27.2, PX4 version 1.12.0 beta 3

{ "SettingsVersion": 1.2, "SimMode": "Multirotor", "ClockType": "SteppableClock", "Vehicles": { "PX4": { "VehicleType": "PX4Multirotor", "UseSerial": false, "Lockstep": true, "RpcEnabled": true, "AllowAPIlways": true, "UseTcp": true, "TcpPort": 4560, "ControlIp": "WSL Ubuntu 20.04", "ControlPortLocal": 14540, "ControlPortRemote": 14580, "LocalHostIp": "Windows host", "ApiServerPort": 42451, "X": 0,"Y": 0, "Z": 0, "OriginGeopoint": { "Latitude": 39.9334, "Longitude": 32.8597, "Altitude": 889 }, "DefaultSensors":{ "Barometer":{ "SensorType": 1, "Enabled": true }, "Imu": { "SensorType": 2, "Enabled": true }, "Gps": { "SensorType": 3, "Enabled": true }, "Magnetometer": { "SensorType": 4, "Enabled": true } }, "Parameters": { "NAV_RCL_ACT": 0, "NAV_DLL_ACT": 0, "COM_OBL_ACT": 1, "LPE_LAT": 39.9334, "LPE_LON": 32.8597 } } } }

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