Open ganesh12301 opened 1 month ago
I'm not quite sure what your asking with the detail provided, but to "glean" your request from the title, I think you asking about how to "stop" us from registering the unload event...
If however, you want us to "stop" hooking one or more of the unload events we have a configuration where you can provide the "event" names that you don't want use to register
However, there is 1 catch. We NEED to hook at least 1 of these events to ensure that we can correctly handle the page unload scenario, so if you tell us to ignore several events and the active runtime doesn't support any of the remaining ones we will STILL turn around and hook all of the default one (effectively ignoring your requested config).
import { LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc'; import createCase from '@salesforce/apex/CaseCreationController.createCase'; import uploadFile from '@salesforce/apex/CaseCreationController.uploadFile'; import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
export default class ParkEntryApplication extends LightningElement { // Fields companyToVisit = ''; contactPerson = ''; Email = ''; purposeOfEntry = ''; requestorFullName = ''; requestorCompanyName = ''; requestorEmail = ''; parkEntryDate; duration = ''; peopleEntering = ''; vehiclePlateNumber = ''; uploadedFileUrl; recordId; fileData; file; base64; filename;