microsoft / ApplicationInsights-Kubernetes

Enrich the telemetry data for .NET applications running inside containers that are managed by Kubernetes.
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Support In-Proc Azure Function in K8s #337

Closed xiaomi7732 closed 1 year ago

xiaomi7732 commented 1 year ago

There is a limitation that there can't be any HostedService registered in the dependency injection container in in-proc Azure Function.

This is an update to:

  1. Allow the user to choose to skip registering the BackendService.
  2. Expose IK8sInfoBootstrap as an alternative to allow the user to invoke it manually.

I would need to provide documentation in the future for the usage.

Tagging @mavsankar since he's asking for the feature.

karolz-ms commented 1 year ago

@xiaomi7732 is the "K8sClient" submodule addition intentional?

xiaomi7732 commented 1 year ago

@xiaomi7732 is the "K8sClient" submodule addition intentional?

What? Did I append the submodule? Totally a Friday afternoon thingy (it was a total mistake.)

ggirard07 commented 9 months ago

@xiaomi7732 the link to the repository you mentioned in for isolated model seems broken in wiki. Is it possible the repo is configured as private on your side? Thanks!

xiaomi7732 commented 9 months ago

@ggirard07 Thanks for the feedback. Yes, the repo was private. I have made it public: