microsoft / ApplicationInsights-Kubernetes

Enrich the telemetry data for .NET applications running inside containers that are managed by Kubernetes.
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Warning in pod logs re failed to get container id #361

Open LyndonHills opened 4 months ago

LyndonHills commented 4 months ago

Package version is Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Kubernetes 6.1.1. Service is aspnetcore net 8.0.

docker images are


FROM AS build

Deployed a service to Kubernetes, then run kubectl logs

See this in the pod logs: [Warning] [2024-02-16T12:05:18.2071256Z] [CGroupContainerIdProvider] Can't figure out container id. [Warning] [2024-02-16T12:05:18.2093841Z] [ContainerDMountInfoContainerIdProvider] Can't figure out container id. [Warning] [2024-02-16T12:05:18.2103865Z] [DockerEngineMountInfoContainerIdProvider] Can't figure out container id. [Information] [2024-02-16T12:05:18.2107327Z] No container id found by container id providers. [Warning] [2024-02-16T12:05:18.2108244Z] Can't fetch container id. Container id info will be missing. Please file an issue at [Information] [2024-02-16T12:05:18.2122355Z] Selected container container id: containerd://895d944a53c65a1e91c72e36f3ffeb699f62d225ca06020a4675d1c4620e8bc0

Only warnings so not a 'problem' logging issue per the message in the logs.

xiaomi7732 commented 4 months ago

Hmm, that is interesting because from the last line of the log, it looks like the container id is eventually available. Is it too early a conclusion that throws the warning off? I'll check the implementations. Thanks for the report.

xiaomi7732 commented 3 months ago

Hey @LyndonHills, can you confirm is the container id picked (895d944a53c65a1e91c72e36f3ffeb699f62d225ca06020a4675d1c4620e8bc0) the correct container id?

LyndonHills commented 3 months ago

@xiaomi7732 I had to do another deploy, but yes the container id in the last log message starting with Selected container container id is the correct containerid.

Today's deploy


[Warning] [2024-03-26T10:25:55.0156710Z] Can't fetch container id. Container id info will be missing. Please file an issue at [Information] [2024-03-26T10:25:55.0172299Z] Selected container email-microservice container id: containerd://8e17c2e0e2fcc362f646bab90b567cf013735cc1bac85e93961376dfb0b61913

the container id 8e17... is correct.

xiaomi7732 commented 3 months ago

@LyndonHills Thanks for the confirming. It then points the direction to the over aggressive logging. I'll make a fix for that.

xiaomi7732 commented 3 weeks ago

@LyndonHills There has been some tricky cases getting container id reliably. The reason you have it is because you only have 1 container in a pod and thus we are able to use that. I'll, for now, update the logging to disclose more details, and keep looking for ways to improve the detection.

xiaomi7732 commented 2 weeks ago

The change is in. See the PR above for details. Since this is logging only, considering roll it together with some other changes.