microsoft / ApplicationInsights-Profiler-AspNetCore

Application Insights Profiler sample and documentation
MIT License
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Look into Enhance the user settings #162

Open xiaomi7732 opened 2 years ago

xiaomi7732 commented 2 years ago


    "ServiceProfiler": {
        "IsDisabled": false,
        "BufferSizeInMB": "250",
        "Duration": "00:00:30", // Default duration
        "InitialDelay": "00:00:10",
        "ProvideAnonymousTelemetry": false,
        "RandomProfilingOverhead": 0.3,
        "IsSkipCompatibilityTest": false,
        "Endpoint": "",
        "SkipEndpointCertificateValidation": false,
        "PreserveTraceFile": false,
        "LocalCacheFolder": "/tmp/",
        "UploadMode": "OnSuccess",
        "NamedPipe": {
            "ConnectionTimeout": "00:00:30"
        "CPUTriggerThreshold": 0.8, // Deprecating
        "MemoryTriggerThreshold": 0.8, // Deprecating

        "CPUTrigger": {
            "Threshold": 0.8,
            "Cooldown": "04:00:00",
            "Duration": "00:02:00",
            "Enabled": true
        "MemoryTrigger": {
            "Threshold": 0.8,
            "Cooldown": "04:00:00",
            "Duration": "00:02:00",
            "Enabled": true
        "Sampling": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Rate": 0.3,
            "Duration": "00:02:00"
        "OnDemand": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Duration": "00:02:00"
        "OneTime": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Duration": "00:02:00"
TeplrGuy commented 2 years ago

@xiaomi7732 inversion 2.21 are

"CPUTriggerThreshold": 0.8, "MemoryTriggerThreshold": 0.8,

being deprecated?

xiaomi7732 commented 2 years ago

Hi @TeplrGuy, what do you mean by version 2.21? We have never delivered a version 2.21. Do you mind double check? That said, do you have concerns that we deprecating settings in the newer version, we are curious to understand why.

xiaomi7732 commented 2 years ago

@TeplrGuy Do you mind feed us back. It would be great if we hear suggestions / push backs in this early stage. Thanks!