Step 1. Reorganize individual repos. This is to ensure that there are no conflicting directories or file names and to guarantee no conflicts when migrating source. This will require some minor changes to existing build definitions.
Update Directory
EnlistmentRoot stays in root directory
Add SourceRoot
Update Directory.Build.props
Update NuGet.config (add a level to ..\packages)
All NetFramework projects (Tests) (add a level to ..\packages)
Update directory in build tasks:
Clean script
StrongName Verification script (enable & disable)
Build directory "dirs.proj"
GenerateReleaseMetadata script
SDL script files
Docker scripts
Kill iis express script
Disable NugetRestore task (alt: could change path to config)
Step 1. Reorganize individual repos. This is to ensure that there are no conflicting directories or file names and to guarantee no conflicts when migrating source. This will require some minor changes to existing build definitions.
Changes Update Directory
Update directory in build tasks: