microsoft / ApplicationInsights-node.js

Microsoft Application Insights SDK for Node.js
MIT License
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Security / Vulnerabilities listed by npm audit (current version, 2.7.0) #1165

Closed MassivDash closed 6 months ago

MassivDash commented 1 year ago

Npm audit states that the current version uses "semver" that has DDOS vulns

semver <7.5.2 Severity: moderate semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service - fix available via npm audit fix --force Will install applicationinsights@1.0.8, which is a breaking change node_modules/async-listener/node_modules/semver node_modules/cls-hooked/node_modules/semver node_modules/diagnostic-channel/node_modules/semver node_modules/jsonwebtoken/node_modules/semver node_modules/muhammara/node_modules/make-dir/node_modules/semver node_modules/muhammara/node_modules/semver async-listener >=0.6.4 Depends on vulnerable versions of semver node_modules/async-listener cls-hooked 4.2.0 - 4.2.2 Depends on vulnerable versions of semver node_modules/cls-hooked applicationinsights >=0.20.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of cls-hooked Depends on vulnerable versions of diagnostic-channel node_modules/applicationinsights

Any timetable to mitigate the problem ?

langthiennhai commented 1 year ago

I also got the same error.

langthiennhai commented 1 year ago

While waiting for the patch. Doing npm override can solve the problem.

package.json "overrides": { "semver": "7.5.3" }