microsoft / ApplicationInsights-node.js

Microsoft Application Insights SDK for Node.js
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Problems with fetching logs from winston inside Nextjs 14 #1348

Open not-aesthetic-code opened 2 weeks ago

not-aesthetic-code commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, I'm struggling with receiving logs from winston. Unfortunately any of logs is gathered. I know that appInsights is connected because I'm able to hit with the other telemetric requests.

Environment: Nextjs 14.0.4 Node: 20.10.0

Execution Whole app is runned inside docker container, where the final command to run the app is: node --require ./scripts/appInsights.js && next dev,

Config: appInsights.js ` appInsights .setup(') .setAutoCollectConsole(true, true) // tried (true, false) (true) also .setAutoCollectDependencies(true) .setAutoCollectExceptions(true) .setAutoCollectHeartbeat(true) .setAutoCollectPerformance(true, true) .setAutoCollectRequests(true) .setAutoDependencyCorrelation(true) .setDistributedTracingMode(appInsights.DistributedTracingModes.AI_AND_W3C) .setSendLiveMetrics(true) .setUseDiskRetryCaching(true)

appInsights.start() ` Winston:

`import { Logger, createLogger, format, transports } from "winston" const { json } = format

export const logger = (moduleName: string): Logger => { const nameOfModule = moduleName.toUpperCase(); const loggingFormat = json();

const loggerObject = createLogger({ format: loggingFormat, defaultMeta: { context: nameOfModule }, transports: [new transports.Console()], })

return loggerObject }`

winston usage

for example: `import {logger} from '@services/logger'

export const apiLogger = logger("API") apiLogger.error('Error fetching favicon:', e);`

I was able to artifically generate telemetric data right after appInsights.start() with these functions: `function trackEvent() { const client = appInsights.defaultClient; const telemetry = { name: 'Custom Event V2', properties: { key: 'value' } }; client.trackEvent(telemetry); client.flush();

console.log('Telemetry data sent - Event:', telemetry); }

function trackTrace() { const client = appInsights.defaultClient; const message = 'This is a sample trace message.'; client.trackTrace({ message }); client.flush();

console.log('Telemetry data sent - Trace:', message); }

function trackMetric() { const client = appInsights.defaultClient; const metricName = 'Custom Metric'; const value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); client.trackMetric({ name: metricName, value }); client.flush();

console.log('Telemetry data sent - Metric:', metricName, value); }

trackEvent(); trackTrace(); trackMetric(); `

But besides of that, no trace is visible on my app insights resource.

Nextjs info. I've tried to implement telemetry according this logs too by importing a script into register function mentioned in this doc also with no result.

Looking for feedback from you!

JacksonWeber commented 5 days ago

@not-aesthetic-code are you seeing the winston logs from above printed in the console? Or is it not showing up in App Insights or there?

not-aesthetic-code commented 5 days ago

@JacksonWeber Yes, every log from winston was clearly visible from the console, but non of these logs was send to the app Insights.

not-aesthetic-code commented 2 days ago

so @JacksonWeber Do we have any idea here?