microsoft / AuthJanitor

Manage the lifecycle of application tokens, keys, and secrets in Azure
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Fix broken proxies #84

Closed anthturner closed 4 years ago

anthturner commented 4 years ago

/aj is removed permanently, local debugging works again. Deploying directly to Azure Functions also works again.

Proxies now include explicit forwards for routes inside Blazor. Expectation for debugging is that the storage emulator runs on http://localhost:16100 (by configuration) and the Functions Admin API runs on http://localhost:16000. Calls to /api/* are forwarded to the Functions runtime, all other proxies are explicitly defined. Resources for app-ification have been largely moved into /icons to simplify the proxies.

An example local.settings.json for this configuration would be:

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
    "STORAGE_WEB_URL": "http://localhost:16000",
    "CLIENT_ID": "abcde",
    "CLIENT_SECRET": "fghij,
    "TENANT_ID": "klmno"
anthturner commented 4 years ago

Forgot to note one other major change ... Functions HttpTrigger surface now takes string instead of Guid and runs the parse as a part of calling the service. This seems to be a bug with Functions itself, hence why I didn't propagate the string type into the service. I'm hoping in the future, this bug will be resolved and Functions will support this binding.

It's unclear what the issue is, as some posts suggest it has been fixed but others suggest it has not. Tracking the open relevant issue here: