In the FSI branch, the configuration script fsiSetup.ps1 uses a mix of powershell & az CLI commands. There is a bug in that the script assumes that the az commands are outputting json, which is not necessarily the case if the user has changed their defaults.
eg, the line
$userName = ((az ad signed-in-user show) | ConvertFrom-JSON).UserPrincipalName
should be rewritten in the form of:
$userName = ((az ad signed-in-user show --output json) | ConvertFrom-JSON).UserPrincipalName
In the FSI branch, the configuration script fsiSetup.ps1 uses a mix of powershell & az CLI commands. There is a bug in that the script assumes that the az commands are outputting json, which is not necessarily the case if the user has changed their defaults.
eg, the line
should be rewritten in the form of:
similarly for: