microsoft / Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK

A cross platform (Linux and Windows) user mode SDK to read data from your Azure Kinect device.
MIT License
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flickering and drop frames #1937

Open Spirit4471 opened 11 months ago

Spirit4471 commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug

While setting up an environment with 6 Azure Kinects, I encounter slow depth image processing times when all six cameras are running simultaneously, despite no issues when only four cameras are active. Moreover, when two Kinects are plugged into adjacent USB ports on my computer, one of them experiences flickering and dropped frames. This problem does not occur if a gap is left between the Kinects plugged into the USB ports.

To Reproduce

Six Azure Kinects should operate simultaneously without any warnings about slow depth image processing times. Kinects should also be able to function properly when plugged into adjacent USB ports without experiencing flickering or dropped frames.


The following warnings are repeatedly generated when running six Kinects: [ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at X ms (this may be transient). (X ranges from 34 ms to 56 ms)


Desktop (please complete the following information):

Device Serial Number: 000456922212 Current Firmware Versions: RGB camera firmware: 1.6.110 Depth camera firmware: 1.6.80 Depth config file: 6109.7 Audio firmware: 1.6.14 Build Config: Production Certificate Type: Microsoft

Device Serial Number: 000795714712 Current Firmware Versions: RGB camera firmware: 1.6.110 Depth camera firmware: 1.6.80 Depth config file: 6109.7 Audio firmware: 1.6.14 Build Config: Production Certificate Type: Microsoft

Device Serial Number: 000432922212 Current Firmware Versions: RGB camera firmware: 1.6.110 Depth camera firmware: 1.6.80 Depth config file: 6109.7 Audio firmware: 1.6.14 Build Config: Production Certificate Type: Microsoft

Device Serial Number: 000416922212 Current Firmware Versions: RGB camera firmware: 1.6.110 Depth camera firmware: 1.6.80 Depth config file: 6109.7 Audio firmware: 1.6.14 Build Config: Production Certificate Type: Microsoft

Device Serial Number: 000847922112 Current Firmware Versions: RGB camera firmware: 1.6.110 Depth camera firmware: 1.6.80 Depth config file: 6109.7 Audio firmware: 1.6.14 Build Config: Production Certificate Type: Microsoft

Additional context