microsoft / Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK

A cross platform (Linux and Windows) user mode SDK to read data from your Azure Kinect device.
MIT License
1.47k stars 613 forks source link dependencies issue on Ubuntu 18.04.6 #1942

Closed johnny761127 closed 11 months ago

johnny761127 commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug dependencies issue on Ubuntu 18.04.6

mkdir build cd build cmake .. -GNinja ninja FAILED: bin/transformation_example : && /usr/bin/c++ -g -pie -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--build-id examples/transformation/CMakeFiles/transformation_example.dir/main.cpp.o examples/transformation/CMakeFiles/transformation_example.dir/transformation_helpers.cpp.o -o bin/transformation_example -Wl,-rpath,"$ORIGIN:/home/smartall/Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK/build/bin" bin/ extern/libjpeg-turbo/src/libturbojpeg.a bin/ && : //usr/local/lib/对‘libc_fcntl64@GLIBC_PRIVATE’未定义的引用 //usr/local/lib/对‘open64_nocancel@GLIBC_PRIVATE’未定义的引用 //usr/local/lib/对‘nanosleep_nocancel@GLIBC_PRIVATE’未定义的引用 //usr/local/lib/对‘write_nocancel@GLIBC_PRIVATE’未定义的引用 //usr/local/lib/对‘__pause_nocancel@GLIBC_PRIVATE’未定义的引用 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

To Reproduce

mkdir build cd build cmake .. [-GNinja] ninja

Expected behavior


Desktop (please complete the following information): Desktop (please complete the following information) OS Version: Ubuntu 18.04.6(Using Kinect Azure), but with another win11 OS(Not using for Kinect Azure) SDK Version: 1.40 Firmware Version: 1.6.110

Additional context

I use Ubuntu 18.04.6 (Using Kinect Azure) but with another win11 OS(Not using for Kinect Azure) in my desktop