microsoft / Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK

A cross platform (Linux and Windows) user mode SDK to read data from your Azure Kinect device.
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Can Azure Kinect Viewer play an Encoded video? #1951

Open ashutosh3308 opened 9 months ago

ashutosh3308 commented 9 months ago

I successfully recorded a video using a Kinect Azure DK device and was able to play it back using Azure Kinect Viewer. However, when I attempted to encode the video using FFmpeg with the command provided below, I encountered an issue.

ffmpeg -i .\RGB.mkv -c:v libx264 RGB_Enc.mkv

Specifically, I am unable to play the encoded video using Azure Kinect Viewer, and I receive an error message stating "Failed to open Recording." I'm seeking guidance on how to resolve this problem. I have tried different codecs (libx264, VP8, VP9, libx265), but could not playback the video.

Video Link:

This video contains only one channel (RGB) from the original video. I am able to play this video using Azure Kinect Viewer.

zhonghong322 commented 5 months ago

K4aViewer can only play MKV files recorded by K4aRecord.