microsoft / Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK

A cross platform (Linux and Windows) user mode SDK to read data from your Azure Kinect device.
MIT License
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Performance between Linux and Window #1954

Open thong-nt opened 8 months ago

thong-nt commented 8 months ago


This is not really a bug. Here is a brief information about my concern. I am playing with 7/8 kinects to form a volumetric capturing system. I finished the software to perform the task (Get data from cameras -> Create PointCloud (PC) -> Merge into a complete PC). I compiled the software using Cmake.

However, when I tried to run the software on both Windows and Linux:

But it is weird that the overload did not happen when I tried to run on Windows. So does it happen because the SDK is optimized better for Windows or something?

Hope to hear from you soon