microsoft / Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK

A cross platform (Linux and Windows) user mode SDK to read data from your Azure Kinect device.
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The --record-length parameter in k4arecorder does not match the actual length of the recorded video #1959

Open Kratos-Wen opened 7 months ago

Kratos-Wen commented 7 months ago

Hello, when I use the command:

k4arecorder -d NFOV_UNBINNED -c 720p -r [record length] -l 15 --imu OFF /my/output/directory

to record, if I set the recording time to 60, I end up with a video of about 102 seconds. If the recording time is set to 3600, the resulting video is around 6240 seconds. I'm wondering if this discrepancy is related to my hardware, or if the clock that your time calculation is based on is inaccurate.

Expected behavior: The length of the output video matches the set recording length.

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