microsoft / Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK

A cross platform (Linux and Windows) user mode SDK to read data from your Azure Kinect device.
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Finding the turbojpeg.h file that is used in the transformation functions #1975

Open MH-91 opened 2 months ago

MH-91 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug I could not find the turbojpeg.h file that I have to include it in my code.

To Reproduce I am using visual studio to program the Azure Kinect, my goal is to align the depth image to the RGB image (or vice versa, as I only need to get a visualization of the two images superimposed). My code operates in playback mode, as I already have the recording and I have extracted the captures and then the depth and RGB frames from it. I have followed all the instructions on the website, and I found the transformation functions. The main function provided in the example includes "turbojpeg.h".

Expected behavior I am expecting to convert the depth images to color images by running the main function provided, but this was not successful because the I could not locate the turbojpeg.h. Also the tjhandle in the main code does not run properly due to this reason.


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