microsoft / AzureStorageExplorer

Easily manage the contents of your storage account with Azure Storage Explorer. Upload, download, and manage blobs, files, queues, tables, and Cosmos DB entities. Gain easy access to manage your virtual machine disks. Work with either Azure Resource Manager or classic storage accounts, plus manage and configure cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) rules.
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file deletion. #7893

Closed Ahmed-Aljalal closed 2 months ago

Ahmed-Aljalal commented 2 months ago

Preflight Checklist

Storage Explorer Version


Regression From




Storage Explorer Build Number




OS Version

No response

Bug Description

{ "name": null, "message": "\"Authentication Failed. The SAS is not correct or expired or does not have the correct permission DELETE with Attachment/Stop Flying Paper Initiative Global Rollout - Kickoff Meeting and Technical Training Session.pptx\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRESPONSE 403: 403 This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.\nERROR CODE: AuthorizationPermissionMismatch\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"utf-8\\"?>AuthorizationPermissionMismatchThis request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.\nRequestId:5f9534c0-801e-001b-707f-94dd51000000\nTime:2024-04-22T06:35:15.5253988Z\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\"" }

Steps to Reproduce

1-Right click on the file to be deleted, 2- choose delete in the drop list.

Actual Experience

I uploaded a ppt file as a test and tried to delete it, but the deletion failed.

Expected Experience

be advised on how to do a successful deletion.

Additional Context

{ "name": null, "message": "\"Authentication Failed. The SAS is not correct or expired or does not have the correct permission DELETE with Attachment/Stop Flying Paper Initiative Global Rollout - Kickoff Meeting and Technical Training Session.pptx\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRESPONSE 403: 403 This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.\nERROR CODE: AuthorizationPermissionMismatch\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"utf-8\\"?>AuthorizationPermissionMismatchThis request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.\nRequestId:5f9534c0-801e-001b-707f-94dd51000000\nTime:2024-04-22T06:35:15.5253988Z\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\"" }

MRayermannMSFT commented 2 months ago

@Ahmed-Aljalal how have you connected to your storage resource? Did you:

Ahmed-Aljalal commented 2 months ago

@Ahmed-Aljalal how have you connected to your storage resource? Did you:

  • Sign in, and access the storage accont/blob container underneath a subscription?
  • Attach a storage account, using name & key, or a key or SAS connection string?
  • Attach your container directly, using a SAS URL, or via OAuth authentication?

Thanks for replying. we have solved this and, FYI, it is part of the system setup to not allow deleting uploaded documents.