microsoft / AzureStorageExplorer

Easily manage the contents of your storage account with Azure Storage Explorer. Upload, download, and manage blobs, files, queues, tables, and Cosmos DB entities. Gain easy access to manage your virtual machine disks. Work with either Azure Resource Manager or classic storage accounts, plus manage and configure cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) rules.
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Unable to retrieve child resources #8012

Closed ivankpyu closed 1 week ago

ivankpyu commented 1 week ago

Preflight Checklist

Storage Explorer Version

1.34.0 (99)

Regression From

No response



Storage Explorer Build Number




OS Version

Windows 10

Bug Description

Hi team,

I got the follow error message when I tried to browse the blob storage of a storage account,

_Unable to retrieve child resources

ProducerError:{ "name": "Node Fetch Error", "message": "{\"name\":\"Node Fetch Error\",\"cause\":{\"cause\":{\"errno\":-3008,\"code\":\"ENOTFOUND\",\"syscall\":\"getaddrinfo\",\"hostname\":\"\"}},\"code\":\"ENOTFOUND\",\"errno\":-3008}" }_

The error doesn't happen when I browsed the 'file shares', 'queue' and 'tables' of the same storage account. Also, it's fine to browse the blob in Azure Portal. Please investigate

Regards, Ivan

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Get the connection string of the storage account in Azure Portal
  2. Open Azure Storage Explorer, select 'Attaach to a resource' > 'Storage account or service'
  3. Choose 'Connection string (Key or SAS)', then click 'Next' button
  4. Paste the connection string I got in step 1 to the textbox of 'Connection string:', then click 'Next' button
  5. Choose the storage account I just added, then select 'Blob containers'

Actual Experience

Expected Experience

No response

Additional Context

No response