microsoft / AzureTRE

An accelerator to help organizations build Trusted Research Environments on Azure.
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Granular Role Permissions #3826

Open Danny-Cooke-CK opened 6 months ago

Danny-Cooke-CK commented 6 months ago

The standard AzureTRE roles don't fit some organisations roles and responsibilities or use cases.

We would like to see more granular RBAC permissions within the TRE as follows :- Researcher ++ Can log onto all VM's within a workspace ++ Can view workspace cost API -- Can't create airlock requests -- Can't view airlock request -- Can't create VM's Workspace Owner ++ Can log onto all VM's within a workspace ++ Can create VM's within a workspace ++ Can view workspace cost API -- Can't view airlock request -- Can't create airlock requests Airlock Data Engineer ++ Can log onto all VM's within a workspace ++ Can create airlock requests ++ Can view airlock request Airlock Manager ++ Can log onto all VM's within a workspace ++ Can create VM's within a workspace ++ Can approve airlock requests -- Can't create airlock requests

We have considered approaching this separately via both organisations using their own forks but to ensure we have a consistent approach and so that it can benefit the community its best approach this centrally.

We need to raise this Git request to ensure that organizations are aware of it and can incorporate it into their current decision-making and roadmap.

marrobi commented 6 months ago

Hi @Danny-Cooke-cCK not sure the model you suggest will work across customers as it's rigid - in the way that some customers need Researchers to create airlock requests.

The actual permissions, such as "Airlock Request Creator", "User Resource Creator" would need to be defined in Azure AD as AD roles, or alternatively we have some way to assign these granular permissions - or actually API routes - to the roles as part of configuration.

Do you think you could maybe have a think along those lines and the pros and cons of both approaches?

Danny-Cooke-CK commented 6 months ago

Interesting yes leave it with me. Would it be reasonable for a researcher in one organisation to have "Researcher" and in another they could have "researcher" + "Airlock requestor" ?

TonyWildish-BH commented 6 months ago

adding some things we've discussed privately, for visibility:

This should ideally be managed by roles and policies, not workflows and approvals. Approvals should only be needed for changing the level of access, so rarely, to minimise overhead.

marrobi commented 6 months ago

@Danny-Cooke-cCK Maybe take a look at - there are solutions out there to help with more complex permission models.

We likely need something that maps roles, to permissions.

@TonyWildish-BH I think you are asking for three different features there - linked to template permissions/policies and resource sharing, which are different to Danny's ask re API RBAC?

marrobi commented 6 months ago

@Danny-Cooke-cCK been thinking about this, and the easiest way might be to add addition granular roles, like Airlock.Create , Airlock.Approve, Airlock.Read etc to the Workspace Azure AD application. See this example where they have Survey.Create.

We could keep the existing Researcher roles as an easier way to get started.

This file (and the route dependencies would need amending) - api_app/services/

Does that make sense?

Danny-Cooke-CK commented 6 months ago

@marrobi it does yes thanks. we are having internal discussions around it now. What would be good though is if we could abstract the permissions up to parameters within the github pipeline. So using the 3 current roles as example (researcher / owner / airlock manager), each of those roles could be defined differently then from one org to the next without having to edit the code

marrobi commented 6 months ago

Then rather than including the granular permissions in Azure AD there would need to be some sort of mapping file of AD App roles to TRE API routes and actions. Something like:

   - GET:/workspace/{id}
   - GET:/workspace/{id}/workspace-service/{id}
   - GET:/workspace/{id}
   - GET:/workspace/{id}/workspace-service/
   - POST:/workspace/{id}/workspace-service/
   - PATCH:/workspace/{id}/workspace-service/{id}

In the authorization code it would need to get the route and action from the request and match it against the routes allowed for the users roles.

This is the sort of thing that or similar project could potentially help with.

Needs a spike to compare the options. Would also need a good set of tests for each role to ensure initial configuration matches the current roles and permissions.

marrobi commented 6 months ago


Danny-Cooke-CK commented 6 months ago

i see what you mean now. ok leave it with me