microsoft / Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver

A ROS sensor driver for the Azure Kinect Developer Kit.
MIT License
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Support Noetic with latest Azure Kinect SDK on 20.04. #234

Open ooeygui opened 2 years ago

ooeygui commented 2 years ago

This is a work item to fork and support Noetic with the latest Kinect SDK.

yuukireina05 commented 2 years ago

Is Azure Kinect SDK going to support Ubuntu 20.04 as well as ROS Noetic? When will the update release?

mac137 commented 1 year ago

The same question as above. Thanks!

dirkmcpherson commented 1 year ago

Is there a branch somewhere for this? Or does someone have an implementation plan?

Ubuntu 20.04 with Cuda 11.8 on Ros Noetic gives me:

Non-zero status code returned while running Pad node. Name:'workaround_cudnn' Status Message: 
2023-01-10 15:41:53.928483133 [E:onnxruntime:K4ABT_ORT_Environment, CudaCall] CUDA failure 48: no kernel image is available for execution on the device ; GPU=0 ; hostname=redacted ; expr=cudaGetLastError(); 

using libk4a1.3 libk4abt1.0

ooeygui commented 1 year ago

@dirkmcpherson The ROS driver is dependent on the SDK, which is not officially supported on 20.04 or beyond. Please +1 this issue:

dirkmcpherson commented 1 year ago

@ooeygui Thanks!

FYI it seems to work with libk4a1.4 and libk4abt1.1 if you change the relevant version numbers in the top level CMakeLists.txt and, in addition, fix the error described here: microsoft/Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver/issues/143.

I can track skeletons on Noetic ~5hz with this setup.

omerKurkutlu commented 1 year ago

Is Azure Kinect SDK going to support Ubuntu 20.04 as well as ROS Noetic? When will the update release?

I succeeded to run Azure Kinect in ROS Noetic with Ubuntu 20.04.

First, I followed this video.

Then, I got output but when I selected the 3d option on SDK, it was giving an error as in the image.

Screenshot from 2023-07-04 19-28-50 (copy)

To solve this problem, I need to update the OpenGL version from 4.3 to 4.6. (It has to be minimum 4.4) You can see your version by typing this command in terminal "inxi -G".

Screenshot from 2023-07-04 19-48-58

In order to use ROS- Noetic there is no repository but the one in the link for ROS-Melodic works without a problem. You just download the GitHub repo in your ROS-Noetic catkin-ws and catkin_make. That is it...

Screenshot from 2023-07-04 19-38-41