microsoft / Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver

A ROS sensor driver for the Azure Kinect Developer Kit.
MIT License
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Compressed Image Transport - PNG compression requires 8/16-bit encoded color format (input format is: 32FC1) #273

Open Yaxun-Yang opened 10 months ago

Yaxun-Yang commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug I run Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver in my laptop locally and it works well. However, when I run the ros master node in a remote machine, connect my laptop with remote machine with wire , still connect kinect with my laptop and launch the kinect, error present. When I set the depth_unit as 32FC1 , I got

[ERROR] [1692888908.917343914]: Compressed Image Transport - PNG compression requires 8/16-bit encoded color format (input format is: 32FC1)
[ERROR] [1692888908.917822999]: cv_bridge exception: '[32FC1] is not a color format. but [bgr8] is. The conversion does not make sense'

When I set the depth_unit as 16UC1, I got

ERROR] [1692889861.851759845]: cv_bridge exception: '[16UC1] is not a color format. but [bgr8] is. The conversion does not make sense'
[ERROR] [1692889870.630862864]: Compressed Depth Image Transport - Compression requires single-channel 32bit-floating point or 16bit raw depth images (input format is: bgra8).

Then image related topic publish speed become really slower.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. run roscore remote computer, and set correct ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP in local laptop, connect local laptop and remote computer with a network cable
  2. launch my camera drive launch file (which would be attached in Additional context part).
  3. see error.
  4. try see image related topic in RViz, and observe lagging.

Expected behavior azure_kinect_ros_dirver publish image normally

Logs as above

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context my launch file:

  <arg name="tf_prefix_0" default="cam0_"/>
  <arg name="overwrite_robot_description" default="false" />         <!-- Flag to publish a standalone azure_description instead of the default robot_descrition parameter-->

  <arg name="depth_enabled"           default="true" />           <!-- Enable or disable the depth camera -->
  <arg name="depth_mode"              default="WFOV_UNBINNED" />  <!-- Set the depth camera mode, which affects FOV, depth range, and camera resolution. See Azure Kinect documentation for full details. Valid options: NFOV_UNBINNED, NFOV_2X2BINNED, WFOV_UNBINNED, WFOV_2X2BINNED, and PASSIVE_IR -->
  <arg name="depth_unit"              default="16UC1" />          <!-- Depth distance units. Options are: "32FC1" (32 bit float metre) or "16UC1" (16 bit integer millimetre) -->      
  <arg name="color_enabled"           default="true" />           <!-- Enable or disable the color camera -->
  <arg name="color_format"            default="bgra" />           <!-- The format of RGB camera. Valid options: bgra, jpeg -->
  <arg name="color_resolution"        default="3072P"/>          <!-- Resolution at which to run the color camera. Valid options: 720P, 1080P, 1440P, 1536P, 2160P, 3072P -->
  <arg name="fps"                     default="5" />              <!-- FPS to run both cameras at. Valid options are 5, 15, and 30 -->
  <arg name="point_cloud"             default="true" />           <!-- Generate a point cloud from depth data. Requires depth_enabled -->
  <arg name="rgb_point_cloud"         default="true" />           <!-- Colorize the point cloud using the RBG camera. Requires color_enabled and depth_enabled -->
  <arg name="point_cloud_in_depth_frame" default="true" />        <!-- Whether the RGB pointcloud is rendered in the depth frame (true) or RGB frame (false). Will either match the resolution of the depth camera (true) or the RGB camera (false). -->
  <arg name="required"                default="false" />          <!-- Argument which specified if the entire launch file should terminate if the node dies -->
  <arg name="sensor_sn"               default="" />               <!-- Sensor serial number. If none provided, the first sensor will be selected -->
  <arg name="recording_file"          default="" />               <!-- Absolute path to a mkv recording file which will be used with the playback api instead of opening a device -->
  <arg name="recording_loop_enabled"  default="false" />          <!-- If set to true the recording file will rewind the beginning once end of file is reached -->
  <arg name="body_tracking_enabled"           default="false" />  <!-- If set to true the joint positions will be published as marker arrays -->
  <arg name="body_tracking_smoothing_factor"  default="0.0" />    <!-- Set between 0 for no smoothing and 1 for full smoothing -->
  <arg name="rescale_ir_to_mono8"  default="false" />    <!-- Whether to rescale the IR image to an 8-bit monochrome image for visualization and further processing. A scaling factor (ir_mono8_scaling_factor) is applied. -->
  <arg name="ir_mono8_scaling_factor"  default="1.0" />    <!-- Scaling factor to apply when converting IR to mono8 (see rescale_ir_to_mono8). If using illumination, use the value 0.5-1. If using passive IR, use 10. -->
  <arg name="imu_rate_target" default="0"/>                       <!-- Desired output rate of IMU messages. Set to 0 (default) for full rate (1.6 kHz). --> 
  <arg name="node_start_delay" default="0" />     <!-- delay for second camera in seconds -->

  <!-- master camera -->

  <group ns="cam0">

    <rosparam param="disable_pub_plugins">
      - 'image_transport/compressedDepth'
      - 'image_transport/theora'

      <param name="azure_description"
        command="xacro $(find azure_kinect_ros_driver)/urdf/azure_kinect.urdf.xacro tf_prefix:=$(arg tf_prefix_0)" />
      <node name="joint_state_publisher_azure" pkg="joint_state_publisher" type="joint_state_publisher">
        <remap from="robot_description" to="azure_description" />
      <node name="robot_state_publisher_azure" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher">
        <remap from="robot_description" to="azure_description" />

    <node pkg="azure_kinect_ros_driver" type="node" name="azure_kinect_ros_driver0" output="screen" required="$(arg required)"  respawn="true" >
      <param name="sensor_sn"         type="string" value="000200514512" /> 
      <param name="depth_enabled"     type="bool"   value="$(arg depth_enabled)" />
      <param name="depth_mode"        type="string" value="$(arg depth_mode)" />
      <param name="depth_unit"        type="string" value="$(arg depth_unit)" />
      <param name="color_enabled"     type="bool"   value="$(arg color_enabled)" />
      <param name="color_format"      type="string" value="$(arg color_format)" />
      <param name="color_resolution"  type="string" value="$(arg color_resolution)" />
      <param name="fps"               type="int"    value="$(arg fps)" />
      <param name="point_cloud"       type="bool"   value="$(arg point_cloud)" />
      <param name="rgb_point_cloud"   type="bool"   value="$(arg rgb_point_cloud)" />
      <param name="point_cloud_in_depth_frame"   type="bool"   value="$(arg point_cloud_in_depth_frame)" />
      <param name="tf_prefix"         type="string" value="$(arg tf_prefix_0)" />
      <param name="recording_file"          type="string" value="$(arg recording_file)" />
      <param name="recording_loop_enabled"  type="bool"   value="$(arg recording_loop_enabled)" />
      <param name="body_tracking_enabled"           type="bool"   value="$(arg body_tracking_enabled)" />
      <param name="body_tracking_smoothing_factor"  type="double" value="$(arg body_tracking_smoothing_factor)" />
      <param name="rescale_ir_to_mono8" type="bool" value="$(arg rescale_ir_to_mono8)" />
      <param name="ir_mono8_scaling_factor" type="double" value="$(arg ir_mono8_scaling_factor)" />
      <param name="imu_rate_target" type="int" value="$(arg imu_rate_target)"/>
      <param name="wired_sync_mode" value="0"/> 
      <param name="subordinate_delay_off_master_usec" value="0"/>
