microsoft / BikeSharing360_MobileApps

Beautiful, cross-platform native mobile apps for BikeSharing360.
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MSFT-provided testing backend? #3

Open hardcodet opened 7 years ago

hardcodet commented 7 years ago

This looks exciting, but the setup investment for a developer to just peek into the client as a learning exercise is quite high with all the services, DBs and storage accounts to setup and configure - I'm pretty sure this hurts adoption. It would be great if there was a testing backend provisioned by Microsoft that we could just connect to.

eiximenis commented 7 years ago

Hi @hardcodet . AFAIK there is not a "public" backend ready to be used by everyone. But I'll ask!

Thanks for the suggestion!

christopher-wilke commented 7 years ago

Are there any updates here?

jsuarezruiz commented 7 years ago

Hi @hardcodet,

You can modify the ViewModelLocator to register Fake services for testing.

There are Fake services for authentication, get rides, get events, etc.
