microsoft / BotBuilder-RealTimeMediaCalling

BotBuilder-RealTimeMediaCalling extends the BotBuilder to enable bots to engage in Skype audio-video calling. It provides real-time, programmable access to the voice, video, and screen sharing streams of a Skype call. The bot is a direct participant in a Skype 1:1 call.
MIT License
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Determine Group Call participants (names) #14

Open PavelGladko opened 7 years ago

PavelGladko commented 7 years ago

Could you please clarify how it is possible to determine call participants (Names). At the moment I look into HueBot example RealTimeMediaCall class. To be more specific OnIncomingCallReceived() event with RealTimeMediaIncomingCallEvent parameter that have Conversation property with list of Participants. Each participant has internal identity property that is for example : "29:1c2fgntp......". Is there a way knowing that participant Identity obtain name of Skype account that takes part in a Call? Maybe there is another way to determine List of Skype Accounts that take part in a Call?

MalarGit commented 7 years ago

Few things.. First bots in group calls is currently not supported. Huebot demonstrates only 1:1 call.

The identity in the Conversation is intentionally scrubbed to guard privacy. That 29:xxx uniquely identifies that participant. You can use that id to send messages to them. Is there any reason why you would need the actual skype account?

kronwell commented 7 years ago

Just a note to this. If you create standard text messaging bot, skype account name is during conversation available.

MalarGit commented 7 years ago

@kronwell Yes you do get the name of the user. But I think Pavel is asking about the Skype account( of the user.

kronwell commented 7 years ago

@MalarGit I tried HueBot sample and property DisplayName of Participant object was null, only Identity was filled. But I had the same problem with IVR bot in times before real time calling SDK was available...

MalarGit commented 7 years ago

@kronwell you are right. The display name comes only for text messaging and not for calling scenarios.

kronwell commented 7 years ago

@MalarGit Any chance to change it? ;-)

MalarGit commented 7 years ago

@kronwell will check and let you know.

kronwell commented 7 years ago

@MalarGit Thanks

PavelGladko commented 7 years ago

Actually Name of the User (DisplayName) would perfectly fit my needs. Thanks

MalarGit commented 7 years ago

@PavelGladko @kronwell thanks for the feedback. This issue has been added to our backlog.