microsoft / BotFramework-Composer

Dialog creation and management for Microsoft Bot Framework Applications
MIT License
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error when creating an empty bot #9707

Closed akabrio closed 1 month ago

akabrio commented 4 months ago

Error calling npm to fetch template. Please ensure that node and npm are installed and available on your system. Full error message: Command failed with ENOENT: npm root -g --prefix C:\Users\brgudhla\AppData\Roaming\BotFrameworkComposer.yo-repository --loglevel error spawnSync cmd.exe ENOENT

OEvgeny commented 4 months ago

From the message provided, it seems that there is an issue with NodeJS installation on your system. Please ensure that node and npm are installed and available.

@akabrio if you believe NodeJS is installed properly, could you provide a full log of the composer run using a terminal. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a new CMD terminal session in the location where Composer is installed.
  2. Run the command to enable debug output set DEBUG=composer:*
  3. Run composer binary from the terminal "Bot Framework Composer.exe"
  4. Follow previous steps. Once the error appears, close Composer
  5. Run the following command: node --version
  6. Run the following command: npm --version
  7. Copy the whole content of the terminal window and paste here in the comment as a code block

To open CMD terminal session in a folder follow the steps:

  1. Navigate to the folder, you want to open the session in. The default is: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Bot Framework Composer
  2. Click on the address bar and type-in cmd followed by Enter key
OEvgeny commented 1 month ago

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen with details requested in the above message