microsoft / BotFramework-DirectLineJS

JavaScript client library for Microsoft Bot Framework's Direct Line protocol
MIT License
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DirectlineStreaming: Errors on disconnect are written to console #414

Open orgads opened 11 months ago

orgads commented 11 months ago

When disconnecting a connection that has pending requests, the infra botframework-streaming package rejects all the requests with "Disconnect was called" error.

It looks like the botframework-directlinejs package writes this error to the console instead/in addition to emitting an error event to the application.

This bypasses our logging system, and should not be done by libraries.

I suspect the console log comes from here or from here.

There are other calls to console.warn and console.error in the library. They should be replaced where possible with proper error propagation.

orgads commented 9 months ago

Another issue with this reject - nobody catches it, and it is not propagated to the application. So every call to end results in unhandled promise rejection.

stevkan commented 3 months ago

@orgads - Thank you for your patience and for advising on this issue. We will have a dev take a look at this and decide on next steps.