microsoft / BotFramework-DirectLineJS

JavaScript client library for Microsoft Bot Framework's Direct Line protocol
MIT License
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Application crashes when refresh token returns an error #421

Open orgads opened 5 months ago

orgads commented 5 months ago

If tokens/refresh returns an error, the application crashes, and there is no way to catch and handle it properly.

Reproduced by:

import { DirectLine, ConnectionStatus } from 'botframework-directlinejs';
import WebSocket, { WebSocketServer } from 'ws';
import nock from 'nock';
import xhr2 from 'xhr2';

global.XMLHttpRequest = xhr2;
global.WebSocket = WebSocket;

const wss = new WebSocketServer({ port: 2222 });
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
  ws.on('error', console.error);
  ws.send('{"activities": []}');

.post(uri => uri.startsWith('/v3/directline/conversations'))
    conversationId: '123',
    token: '456',
    streamUrl: 'ws://localhost:2222'
.post(uri => uri.includes('/refresh'))

const directLine = new DirectLine({ token: '456' });
  (activity) => console.log('Activity received: ', activity),
  (err) => console.error('**1 Error: ', err)
  (connectionStatus) => console.log('DirectLine status: ' + ConnectionStatus[connectionStatus]),
  (err) => console.error('**2 Error: ', err)

process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => {
  console.error('**3 Error: ', err);

If you don't want to wait 15 minutes, reduce the hardcoded value of lifetimeRefreshToken :)


DirectLine status: Connecting
DirectLine status: Online
DirectLine status: ExpiredToken
DirectLine status: ExpiredToken
**3 Error:  [AjaxError: ajax error 403] {
  xhr: <ref *1> XMLHttpRequest {
    onloadstart: null,
    onprogress: null,
    onabort: null,
    onerror: null,
    onload: null,
    ontimeout: [Function: xhrTimeout] {
      request: [Object],
      subscriber: [AjaxSubscriber],
      progressSubscriber: undefined
    onloadend: null,
    _listeners: {},
    onreadystatechange: [Function: xhrReadyStateChange] {
      subscriber: [AjaxSubscriber],
      progressSubscriber: undefined,
      request: [Object]
    _anonymous: undefined,
    readyState: 4,
    response: null,
    responseText: null,
    responseType: 'json',
    responseURL: '',
    status: 403,
    statusText: 'Forbidden',
stevkan commented 1 month ago

@compulim, @OEvgeny

OEvgeny commented 1 month ago

Thanks for investigating and for the repro. As a user-land solution you could also consider extending the DirectLine class with own refresh token implementation.

I've analyzed the issue and have a proposal for addressing it (cc @compulim):

Current Issue

The application crashes when the token refresh fails (e.g., with a 403 error). This occurs in the refreshTokenLoop method, which is called from checkConnection. As the refresh token loop doesn't interfere with connectionStatus$ subject, the error doesn't get propagated:

I see why this might be done on-purpose. The cause looks like the one we cannot recover direct line from, so trying to crash the runtime to give both: visibility and the ability to restart the whole process seems valid.


We can probably enhance error handling though without changing the public API e.g. to allow replacing the DirctLine with a new one:

  1. Modify refreshTokenLoop to catch errors and continue the loop:

    private refreshTokenLoop() {
     this.tokenRefreshSubscription = Observable.interval(intervalRefreshToken)
       .flatMap(_ => this.refreshToken()
           catchError(error => {
             return Observable.empty();
       .subscribe(/* ... */);
  2. Update refreshToken to simplify error handling:

    private refreshToken(): Observable<string> {
     return this.checkConnection(true)
       .flatMap(/* ... */)
         catchError(error => {
           if (error.status === 403 || error.status === 404) {
             return Observable.throw(error);
           return Observable.throw(error).pipe(
             retryWhen(/* ... */)
  3. Add handleFatalError to emit an error through connectionStatus$:

    private handleFatalError(error) {

While addressing the issue this seems to:


Users would be able to catch token expiration errors as follows:

  status => console.log('Status:', ConnectionStatus[status]),
  error => {
    console.error('Error:', error);
    // Implement recovery logic here

This proposal could be considered a minor version change as it adds functionality without breaking existing API contracts, but also we do not crash as before, so this may be considered as a breaking change as well. We might be able to work further towards more compatible solution e.g. by checking the observers for error handling.

Any thoughts?