Once Fluent has passed its a11y requirements, we want Web Chat (and our Adaptive Cards) to be updated to Fluent design.
~This is an extended request off of #1964.~
~Describe the suggestion or request in detail~
~I would love it if the design team could do a new pass on Web Chat and Emulator's Adaptive Cards. Their v.next has a lot of new features in terms of color customization that would expand their visual capabilities, and we should take advantage of that.~
~Note that this would need to include both dark and high contrast themes for Emulator.~
Feature Request
Once Fluent has passed its a11y requirements, we want Web Chat (and our Adaptive Cards) to be updated to Fluent design.
~This is an extended request off of #1964.~
~Describe the suggestion or request in detail~ ~I would love it if the design team could do a new pass on Web Chat and Emulator's Adaptive Cards. Their v.next has a lot of new features in terms of color customization that would expand their visual capabilities, and we should take advantage of that.~
~Note that this would need to include both dark and high contrast themes for Emulator.~