microsoft / CCF

Confidential Consortium Framework
Apache License 2.0
766 stars 207 forks source link

Cleanup old JWT tables in 5.0.1+ #6222

Open maxtropets opened 1 month ago

maxtropets commented 1 month ago


We kept Legacy:: tables for JWT in, for reasons explained here. This can be safely removed after ensuring old tables are no longer used anywhere in the system.

In CCF we periodically fetch/store key certificates for the configured issuer.

Before 5.0.x we stored the needed info in this tables

After 5.x.x, we only put the newly fetched one new table:

After upgrading 4.x.x - > 5.x.x the new code will store JWT certificates in the new tables, but will read from both new and old tables in order. Old tables are used if the keys haven’t been fetched yet by any of the new nodes.

This task is to support further upgrading from the first 5.x.x to the 5.x.y with a proper clean-up of the old tables. It's two-fold:

achamayou commented 1 week ago

Checking before and after can be done with against snapshots:

$ -s workspace/app_space_js_e2e_logging_cft_0/0.snapshots/snapshot_987_992.committed -t
Reading snapshot from workspace/app_space_js_e2e_logging_cft_0/0.snapshots/snapshot_987_992.committed (committed)
  txid 0.987 (41 public tables) [144658 bytes]
    table "" (1 write):
            "cert": "MIICrDCCAZSgAwIBAgIUP1Ubyv8C+h/tam4a9o3lfjfiTUAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwEDEOMAwGA1UEAwwFZHVtbXkwHhcNMjQwNjI0MTM0NjI4WhcNMjQwNzA0MTM0NjI4WjAQMQ4wDAYDVQQDDAVkdW1teTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMChEwD6t6rHMkytndUAFCXb2P2KManI1EtDSCkeABANrqJdTYs1rBJifb1Z4f+Q6UTKWRYoRlzymM+2d/bmjWmsdk0gPWj+G33Uo8Kwx3343c0l1JrfFCY7eWcYv/eXVHLuu+V7+y6B1iYIX89+rgJ2Wrwfef8buIzXIR5AClb4Q2VJdBfflba4bOGk44ZLsTKIn5ZM5mxi/ApAU/yMipIwfPdHxfFsbhWcwIVVU1uwSbaQZ2rw6vm77EVn0gjF6cC9rgTXMlpWzgHJT1jrkvlNZJanwBSnqa5JzTmEdRkU6LNGBZZOIEbaujYjRTkaSVdxCLehWO/CN7ZTRYmnH7kCAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAGA/g8OMP3WAYZST+rMOoIqfdmV335YZ3zzu12gk8MIb9dY+lSdcOWIB1VXG0TwwWqLQUqlGnoHVG5YMDWK+rQ7NB9zzXoaXRcJda1aiMsdSeT4YiB+/AO8BrRkGrN35AE4YAXZl/wa5ICshKWQTQY2deDrL4WkNAdRlFcFwUwDaEoqU5f/6FSpoKuzm0QCk7B/TWj//lc2u1M/Mxp3Q01OkKqS05/q2wR+bklm5EFugAidL8mvokyTgL9OLOC9IZCC+O4woWtH9BmD/n9AmaRFj+5lM2IpjRRxVpqqEDkF8zZeLSK78n+VyT/t9cS/k79yh4Fm/Bz0C2ABFbED/J+w==",
            "constraint": "https://example.issuer",
            "issuer": "https://example.issuer"

A good idea may be to add a trigger snapshot action to the proposal for the removal, to get a fresh snapshot, post-removal.

sidmore commented 1 week ago

I am going to execute on this task....seems straight forward mostly deleting references to old JWT tables in code and adding a new Proposal for removing tables from KV