microsoft / CNTK-R

R bindings to the CNTK library
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failure while creating Trainer #4

Open slaweks17 opened 7 years ago

slaweks17 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am trying to port my Python program for time series forecasting (where it works). It is a regression style setup with both input and output being vectors. There are many time series, with varying lengths, but every point on a series is preprocessed to an input vector (of INPUT_SIZE), and at each point we also have the vector forecast (of OUTPUT_SIZE).

I am using stacked LSTMs, but to simplify matters, only single one here, created with this function: createLSTMnet<-function(input_var , hidden_layer_dim1, output_dim) { r=Recurrence(LSTM(hidden_layer_dim1, use_peepholes=LSTM_USE_PEEPHOLES, enable_self_stabilization=LSTM_USE_STABILIZATION, name="firstCell"))(input_var) r=Dense(output_dim, bias=TRUE, name="lastLayer")(r) }

I also use custom loss function: sMAPELoss<-function (z, t){ t1=op_element_select(op_less(t,-0.9), z, t, name="t1") a=op_abs(op_minus(t1,z)) b=op_plus(op_abs(t1),op_abs(z)) op_reduce_sum(op_element_divide(a,b)) }

The most important few more lines of code: input_var <- seq_input_variable(INPUT_SIZE, name = "input") output_var <- seq_input_variable(OUTPUT_SIZE, name = "label")

z = createLSTMnet(input_var, LSTM_STATE_SIZE, OUTPUT_SIZE)
loss = sMAPELoss(z,output_var) 
eval_error = loss
learner = learner_momentum_sgd(z$parameters, lr_schedule, mm_schedule,
        l2_regularization_weight = 0.0005, gaussian_noise_injection_std_dev = 0.0005)
trainer <- Trainer(z, c(loss, eval_error), learner)

And the last line fails with: Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : TypeError: argument label's type Sequence[Tensor[2]] is incompatible with the type Sequence[np.float32] of the passed Variable

Could some kind soul help me please?

BTW, there is only the SGD learner available, right? No Adam, Adagrad, etc. Any plans for brining the R functionality closer to the Python's one?

Regards, Slawek

joeddav commented 6 years ago

Not sure this is your issue, but first thing I noticed is that there's actually a special reduce sum operation for sequences, seq_reduce_sum, which is reflected from the Python API. Try switching that in your loss function.

As for your question on the learners, the R API should be able do anything Python can. For whatever reason this didn't show up in the documentation (could you look into that, @akzaidi?), but all the same learners like the ones you mentioned are available. Until we get those showing up in the docs you can reference learners.R.

slaweks17 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your prompt answer. I changed the sMAPE function to use seq_reduce_sum but unfortunately I am gettin the same error:

Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : TypeError: argument label's type Sequence[Tensor[2]] is incompatible with the type Tensor[2] of the passed Variable

Detailed traceback: File "C:\local\ANACON~1.1-W\envs\CNTK-P~3\lib\site-packages\cntk\ops\", line 406, in call Function._replace_args_type_check(arg_map) File "C:\local\ANACON~1.1-W\envs\CNTK-P~3\lib\site-packages\cntk\ops\", line 320, in _replace_args_type_check raise TypeError(param_name() + "'s type " + str(param_type) + " is incompatible with the type " + str(arg_type) + " of the passed Variable")

joeddav commented 6 years ago

Could you post the corresponding Python you're porting from? That may helpful to spot what's going wrong since these R operations are just ported to the Python interface.

slaweks17 commented 6 years ago

Sure. I attach a simple Python program that I am trying to reproduce in R.

slaweks17 commented 6 years ago

I wanted to add one thing: each element of trainInputs_l is an array of size (, INPUT_SIZE) and each element of trainOutputs_l is an array (, OUTPUT_SIZE). This first dimension changes with every series. So the minibatch is MB_SIZE (10) of sequences of vectors.