Open ghost opened 7 years ago
What you mean save on the source code level? Each Node have a forward and backward function. Can you explain a little about your planned workflow?
I see. Each node have the function(forward and backward). Yes, I agree. My question is easy.
( (
These two link provide evaluation example. There are many types of forward method, but I can't find backward example.
Just want to know how to use the function(backward and save)
Backward is invoked when you call TrainMinibatch. You typically don't need to call backward by yourself. You can look at the documentation of backward for Python. The C++ version is quite similar.
I did not use the train function(TrainMiniBatch). Only use these functions(createBatch, forward). If the two functions perform similar function(TrainMiniBatch), then It is okay.
I wonder the two functions call the backward function automatically or not.
If yes, how to save the trained network? Also same question(How to save the network? I can not find example.)
If no, how to use the backward and save, Need to example.
Thank you for your answer.
I find the save function. now, the problem is only one about backward.
@n17s @ebarsoumMS
I think, the function, forward does not perform automatically backward function. So I want to use/call the function, backward. Backward function's inputs are three (BackPropStatePtr, rootGradientValues, backPropagatedGradientValuesForInputs)
Forward function return BackPropStatePtr. But still I can not input 2 parameter rootGradientValues, backPropagatedGradientValuesForInputs. How can I get/set the input?
Is there any simple example to use backward?
I find the example file ( The example (TestFeedForwardNetworkCreation) gives me some hints. My method is by using load(model file), but the example shows backward by creating. So, I tried modification.
GetVariableByName ( evalFunc->Arguments ( ) , L"features" , inputVar );
GetVariableByName ( evalFunc->Outputs ( ) , L"z" , outputVar );
GetVariableByName ( evalFunc->Outputs ( ) , L"ce" , trainingLoss );
inputShape = inputVar.Shape ( ).AppendShape ( { 1, 1 } );
outputShape = outputVar.Shape ( ).AppendShape ( { 1, 1 } );
ValuePtr inputValue = MakeSharedObject
NDShape outputShape = trainingLoss.Shape ( );
There is maybe one issue about trainingLoss. In the example, trainingLoss's data type is FunctionPtr. But my trainingLoss's data type is Variable.
I think this difference occur error.
command = Train
modelPath = "Models/Train.dnn" deviceId = 0
Train = [ action = "train" BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = [
inputDim = 15960
outputDim = 11900
model = Sequential (
DenseLayer {4096, activation=ReLU, bias=true, initBias=0.1, initValueScale=0.01} : Dropout :
DenseLayer {4096, activation=ReLU, bias=true, initBias=0.1, initValueScale=0.01} : Dropout :
LinearLayer {outputDim, bias=true, initBias=0.1, initValueScale=0.01}
features = Input (inputDim)
labels = Input (outputDim)
z = model (features)
ce = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax (labels, z)
errs = ClassificationError (labels, z)
featureNodes = (features)
labelNodes = (labels)
criterionNodes = (ce)
evaluationNodes = (errs)
outputNodes = (z)
SGD = [
epochSize = 0
minibatchSize = 1
learningRatesPerSample = 0.0000001
maxEpochs = 1
DropoutRate = 0.5
numMBsToShowResult = 1
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
file = "Train.txt"
input = [
features = [
dim = 15960
format = "dense"
labels = [
dim = 11900
format = "dense"
Just simple, but I can not make a training code. Sorry, I do not have an understanding of cntk well.
How to fix the code to train well?
My plan is making an online(real-time) (deep) learning machine. I think I need the function:backward and save on source code level. although I tried searching about backward, I cant find it.
C++ Window Source code NuGet Package CNTK.GPU 2.1.0 Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3
Help me please. Thank you.