Open Worldexe opened 7 years ago
Hi you are saying that your vectors are of size 240 and you are using a convolution of size 240. This has the effect of a dense layer. That's probably not what you want. If what you has is to convolve over the sequence axis then what you can do is splice together the pastValue of the input, the input, and its futureValue and feed that to a dense layer. That will have the same effect as a convolution with a window size of 3. If that's not what you want, please elaborate below.
Well, that could be the next step. Right now I want to make this simple (and well, maybe not very useful) setup work. Actually, there should be more convolution/pools in the stack.
To address your original problem, it might be helpful to call Flatten after convolution.
did not help.
I had to remove reductionRank
from ConvolutionLayer
to make it work:
ConvolutionalLayerFixed {
numOutputChannels, # e.g. (1) or BS.Constants.None
filterShape, # e.g. (3:3)
bias = true,
activation = (x=>x),
init = 'glorotUniform',
initValueScale = 1, # TODO: rename to initScale
initBias = 0,
#reductionRank = 1, # TODO: support this
stride = 1, pad = false,
lowerPad = 0, upperPad = 0,
maxTempMemSizeInSamples = 0
} = {
outputChannelsShape = _AsArray (numOutputChannels)
filterRank = Length (filterShape)
W = ParameterTensor{_ConcatArrays (filterShape, outputChannelsShape), init = init, initValueScale = initValueScale, initFilterRank = filterRank, initOutputRank = -1} # [ W x H x C x K ]
b = ParameterTensor(_ConcatArrays (Repeat (Length (filterShape), 1), outputChannelsShape), initValue = initBias) # [ 1 x 1 x K ]
sharing = true # TODO: support this
apply (x) = {
c = Convolution (W, x, filterShape, mapDims = numOutputChannels, stride = stride, sharing = sharing, autoPadding = pad, lowerPad = lowerPad, upperPad = upperPad, maxTempMemSizeInSamples = maxTempMemSizeInSamples)
res = activation (if bias then c + b else c)
t = DynamicAxis()
featuresCount = $featuresCountC$
features = Input(featuresCount, dynamicAxis = t)
featuresShaped = NewReshape(features, (featuresCount:1))
featuresConvolved = ConvolutionalLayerFixed{1, (featuresCount:1), pad = false} (featuresShaped)
label = Input(1)
model = Sequential(
RecurrentLSTMLayer {1, goBackwards=false, allowOptimizedEngine = false} :
result = model(featuresConvolved)
resultP = ReconcileDynamicAxis(result, label)
errs = SquareError(label, resultP)
Still not sure this will not break something.
Now I get
cuDNN failure 9: CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED ; GPU=0 ; hostname=deeplearning4 ; expr=cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(*m_cudnn, &C::One, m_inT, ptr(in), m_outT, ptr(srcGrad), *m_conv, m_backFiltAlgo.selectedAlgo, ptr(workspace), workspace.BufferSize(), accumulateGradient ? &C::One : &C::Zero, *m_kernelT, ptr(kernelGrad))
Kinda useful that there are no indications of what parameter value is 'not supported'.
Cant make it work. I have sequence of vectors size 240 as features and one label per sequence; so this is sequence-to-one. Simple LSTM setup with
and dynamic axis works OK. But, I want to make convolution on each sample before feeding it into LSTM. My model looks like this:I get this validation error:
Why am I getting that [28x0] in dimensions? What am I doing wrong?