Open galvanchi opened 6 years ago
Hi, got another one error in the same GPU project. Thrace below.
at CNTK.MinibatchSource.TextFormatMinibatchSourceInternal(String dataFilePath, StreamConfigurationVector streamConfigs, UInt64 epochSize)
at CNTK.CSTrainingExamples.MNISTClassifier.TrainAndEvaluate(DeviceDescriptor device, Boolean useConvolution, Boolean forceRetrain) in C:\Projects\CNTK-2-5\cntk\Examples\TrainingCSharp\Common\MNISTClassifier.cs:line 79
at CNTK.CSTrainingExamples.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Projects\CNTK-2-5\cntk\Examples\TrainingCSharp\CSTrainingGPUExamples\Program.cs:line 18
Main error on this line is: Plugin not found: 'Cntk.Composite-2.5.dll' That's strange because that dll exist on x64 folder.
I vaguely recall having a similar issue when first trying the binaries directly - IIRC there were some missing dependencies that were causing issues.
Is installing via Nuget an option for you?
Mhm, if I create new console project, add nuget packages for CPU and test classes for MNIST, then application goes to break mode.
I assume this is Visual Studio entering break mode because an exception is thrown - can you post a screenshot of the exception/call stack?
Also make sure you have uninstalled the binaries you previously installed, then reinstall via Nuget (also if you are using the GPU version, make sure your GPU drivers are up to date).
I installed CNTK-2-5 from this tutorial
But when tried to run C# example from here CNTK-2-5\cntk\Examples\TrainingCSharp an error occur. Stack trace below:
Please can you help me? What I miss? Maybe am I need to install something additional?