microsoft / CNTK

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
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Python env setup failed running DevInstall.ps1 #3837

Open JonathanDotCel opened 3 years ago

JonathanDotCel commented 3 years ago

Win10, X64 Cloned to c:\repos\cntk\ Playing along with

Definitely needs a more robust setup script. Anyone unfamiliar with a healthy/working setup (hi) now has no idea what % finished we are. E.g. is enough installed that I might get some use out of it

Edit (may be useful to other new users) - maybe:


Downloading [], please be patient....
Download operations finished

Performing install operations
Installing NVidia CUDNN 7.3.1 for CUDA 10.0
Installing NVidia CUB 1.8.0
Installing MSMPI 70
Installing MSMPI 70 SDK
Installing Boost 1.60.0
Installing MKLML and MKL-DNN 0.12 CNTK Prebuild
Installing SWIG 3.0.10
Installing ProtoBuf 3.1.0 Source
Installing ProtoBuf 3.1.0 VS17 CNTK Prebuild
Installing zlib / libzip from source
Installing ZLib VS17 CNTK Prebuild
Installing OpenCV-3.1
Installing Anaconda3-4.1.1
.... This will take some time. Please be patient ....
Creating Python 35 Environment
Exception caught - function main / failure
System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Running [start-process  env create --file "C:\repos\cntk\scripts\install\windows\conda-windows-cntk-py35-environment.yml" --prefix c:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64\envs\cntk-py35] failed with exit code [1]

PS C:\repos\cntk\Tools\devInstall\Windows>
JonathanDotCel commented 3 years ago

Additional details as per this thread: (it's closed and a few years old now, but worth a shot)

git is installed, and available via powershell

It's installed to c:\ins\git\ but adding a sym link to e.g. c:\program files\git\ yielded the same results.

Additionally, here's the failure point logged with -verbose

Name                           Value

----                           -----

Function                       InstallExe

Command                        c:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64\Scripts\conda.exe

runAs                          False

WorkDir                        c:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64\Scripts

Param                          env create --file "C:\repos\cntk\scripts\install\windows\conda-windows-cntk-py35-environment.yml"

VERBOSE: start-process [c:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64\Scripts\conda.exe] with [env create --file
"C:\repos\cntk\scripts\install\windows\conda-windows-cntk-py35-environment.yml" --prefix
Exception caught - function main / failure
System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Running [start-process  env create --file "C:\repos\cntk\scripts\install\windows\conda-windows-cntk-py35-environment.yml" --prefix c:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64\envs\cntk-py35] failed with exit code [1]