microsoft / CNTK

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
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C# CNTK Transfer Learning input reshape #3850

Open KBS91 opened 3 years ago

KBS91 commented 3 years ago

Dear Sirs,

I build program to apply Transfer Learning in C#. Problem I face is to reshape input layer for Resnet CNNs. Default input is [224x224x3] whereas I want to apply [32x32x3] input, but it could be any size.

I wonder how I can reshape input layer dimension?

Also I wonder if there is different way later to replace that input? I do it now like: Function clonedModel = baseModel.Clone(ParameterCloningMethod.Freeze, new Dictionary<Variable, Variable>() { { oldFeatureNode, normalizedNewNode } });

Regards, Chris