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[Work Item] Work on a framework idea for multi-threading #2236

Open dpaulson45 opened 3 days ago

dpaulson45 commented 3 days ago

Describe the work Create a generic framework that will allow Health Checker to become multithreaded and work in large environments.

Additional Context Invoke-Command with -AsJob should allow for this to work. Need to review and use some of the same logic that is already in Start-JobManager within the Exchange Log Collector the other locations that we used Receive-Job within the repository.

Need to create a dummy task list that does the following.

dpaulson45 commented 2 days ago

This is going to require a combination of job types. You are unable to use Invoke-Command and trying to connect to Remote Exchange Shell as you just end up getting odd errors. However, you are able to use Start-Job which works but doesn't allow you to execute things remotely against the server. Going to need to come up with something that does both most likely.