microsoft / Chakra-Samples

Repository for Chakra JavaScript engine related samples.
MIT License
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Updated #82

Closed kokhoor closed 6 years ago

kokhoor commented 6 years ago

After messing around, I am able to run using Python 2 and Python 3 in OSX on ChakraCore 1.7.3. Code is at the end of this message.

I am assuming should be similar in Linux, will perform testing to see if it works on Windows too.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import sys
import os.path
from ctypes import *

def usage():
    print("usage:\npython [path to ChakraCore.dll, or libChakraCore.dylib]");

if len(sys.argv) < 2:

if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
    chakraCore = CDLL(sys.argv[1])
    print("\nFile not found at " + sys.argv[1] + "\n\n")

if sys.platform != 'win32':
    # You are expected to call DllMain manually on non-Windows
    # Attach process
    chakraCore.DllMain(0, 1, 0);
    # Attach main thread
    chakraCore.DllMain(0, 2, 0);

script = create_string_buffer("(()=>{return \'Hello world!\';})()".encode('utf-16le'))
fileName = "sample.js"

runtime = c_void_p()
# Create Javascript Runtime.
chakraCore.JsCreateRuntime(0, 0, byref(runtime));

context = c_void_p()
# Create an execution context.
chakraCore.JsCreateContext(runtime, byref(context));

# Now set the current execution context.

fname = c_void_p();
# create JsValueRef from filename
chakraCore.JsCreateString(fileName, len(fileName), byref(fname));

scriptSource = c_void_p();
# Create ArrayBuffer from script source
chakraCore.JsCreateExternalArrayBuffer(script, len(script), 0, 0, byref(scriptSource));

jsResult = c_void_p();
# Run the script.
chakraCore.JsRun(scriptSource, 0, fname, 0x02, byref(jsResult));

# Convert script result to String in JavaScript; redundant if script returns a String
resultJSString = c_void_p()
chakraCore.JsConvertValueToString(jsResult, byref(resultJSString));

stringLength = c_size_t();
# Get buffer size needed for the result string
chakraCore.JsCopyString(resultJSString, 0, 0, byref(stringLength));

resultSTR = create_string_buffer(stringLength.value + 1); # buffer is big enough to store the result

# Get String from JsValueRef
chakraCore.JsCopyString(resultJSString, byref(resultSTR), stringLength.value + 1, 0);

# Set `null-ending` to the end
resultSTRLastByte = (c_char * stringLength.value).from_address(addressof(resultSTR))
resultSTRLastByte = '\0';

print("Result from ChakraCore: ", resultSTR.value);

# Dispose runtime
kokhoor commented 6 years ago

The loading of DLL should be as follows (windows environment use WinDLL)

if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        chakraCore = WinDLL(sys.argv[1])
        chakraCore = CDLL(sys.argv[1])
        # You are expected to call DllMain manually on non-Windows
        # Attach process
        chakraCore.DllMain(0, 1, 0);
        # Attach main thread
        chakraCore.DllMain(0, 2, 0);
    print("\nFile not found at " + sys.argv[1] + "\n\n")
liminzhu commented 6 years ago

Thanks for opening the issue @kokhoor! I updated the sample to reflect the APIs changes we made.

kokhoor commented 6 years ago

Anytime! Also just to inform, in Windows, it is: chakraCore = WinDLL(sys.argv[1]) Thanks for prompt action!