microsoft / Cloud-Native-In-a-Day

Cloud Native In a Day workshop content
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Before HOL and HOL Guides not updated to supported version of AKS #16

Open abarrionuevodevops opened 4 years ago

abarrionuevodevops commented 4 years ago

When installing by the Before HOL guide, the deployment failed, because AKS version 1.15.2 (included in the ARM template) is no longer supported for region East US. I were able to deploy after changing that value in the azuredeploy.json to a supported version like 1.17.9 And then, while running a HOL guide test drive, there are a couple of tasks related to Kubernetes Dashboard, which is no longer available in current versions of AKS

snpdev commented 4 years ago

My understanding if that the up-to-date lab content is found at

Issue mentions this.

I only came to this repo because it was referenced as the Workshop Asset in the "AIW workshop partner call 9-2-2020" PowerPoint presented to partners.

@KirillKotlyarenko, can you comment on this, please?