microsoft / CloudAdoptionFramework

Code samples and extended documentation to support the guidance provided in the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework
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'Instance' cannot be typed into, 'Generate' greyed out #125

Closed Boggin closed 1 year ago

Boggin commented 1 year ago

Install of the Docker application as per instructions. Set Admin password, update Configuration of Resource Types and Locations, as advised. Exported base Configuration.

Selecting any combination of options in 'Generate' will not allow typing into the 'Instance' field. The 'Generate' button will remain greyed out (un-clickable). No errors appear in the Console, tested in Firefox, Edge and Chrome. There's no utility in the app without this fundamental.

BryanSoltis commented 1 year ago

Hi @Boggin,

Thank for the feedback. I have not seen a report of this issue before, so I'm hoping you can provide some more details to maybe figure out what's happening:

Thank you! -Bryan

Boggin commented 1 year ago

Hi @BryanSoltis,

Thanks for taking a look.

The mount of the volume succeeded, I can see the /app/settings files when I view the Volume's Data via Docker Desktop.

Opening the dev tools before even loading the web app did yield an error:

[2022-12-12T13:18:44.028Z] Information: Normalizing '_blazor' to 'http://localhost:8081/_blazor'. blazor.server.js:1:37194 [2022-12-12T13:18:44.143Z] Information: WebSocket connected to ws://localhost:8081/_blazor?id=ozIEgxjJyCEeoisMOp9sbA. blazor.server.js:1:37194 The resource at “” was blocked because content blocking is enabled. localhost:8081 Failed to load script localhost:8081:171:21 onerror http://localhost:8081/:171 (Async: EventHandlerNonNull) loadJs http://localhost:8081/:170 s http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 beginInvokeJSFromDotNet http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 _invokeClientMethod http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 _invokeClientMethod http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 _processIncomingData http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 onreceive http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 onmessage http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 (Async: EventHandlerNonNull) connect http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 connect http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 _startTransport http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 _createTransport http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 _startInternal http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 start http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 _startInternal http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 _startWithStateTransitions http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 start http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 er http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 Zn http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1

http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 http://localhost:8081/_framework/blazor.server.js:1 The exported configuration (I've removed the values for the API key and the Admin password): ``` { "ResourceComponents": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "ResourceType", "DisplayName": "Resource Types", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 1, "IsCustom": false }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "ResourceOrg", "DisplayName": "Orgs", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 2, "IsCustom": false }, { "Id": 7, "Name": "ResourceUnitDept", "DisplayName": "Units/Depts", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 3, "IsCustom": false }, { "Id": 6, "Name": "ResourceProjAppSvc", "DisplayName": "Projects/Apps/Services", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 4, "IsCustom": false }, { "Id": 8, "Name": "ResourceFunction", "DisplayName": "Functions", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 5, "IsCustom": false }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "ResourceEnvironment", "DisplayName": "Environments", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 6, "IsCustom": false }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "ResourceLocation", "DisplayName": "Locations", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 7, "IsCustom": false }, { "Id": 5, "Name": "ResourceInstance", "DisplayName": "Instance", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 8, "IsCustom": false } ], "ResourceDelimiters": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "dash", "Delimiter": "-", "Enabled": true, "SortOrder": 1 }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "underscore", "Delimiter": "_", "Enabled": false, "SortOrder": 2 }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "period", "Delimiter": ".", "Enabled": false, "SortOrder": 3 }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "none", "Delimiter": "", "Enabled": false, "SortOrder": 4 } ], "ResourceEnvironments": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "Development", "ShortName": "dev", "SortOrder": 1 }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Production", "ShortName": "prd", "SortOrder": 2 }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "Sandbox", "ShortName": "sbx", "SortOrder": 3 }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "Shared", "ShortName": "shd", "SortOrder": 4 }, { "Id": 5, "Name": "Staging", "ShortName": "stg", "SortOrder": 5 }, { "Id": 6, "Name": "Test", "ShortName": "tst", "SortOrder": 6 }, { "Id": 7, "Name": "UAT", "ShortName": "uat", "SortOrder": 7 } ], "ResourceLocations": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "Australia Central", "ShortName": "ac", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Australia Central 2", "ShortName": "ac2", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "Australia East", "ShortName": "ae", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "Australia Southeast", "ShortName": "as", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 5, "Name": "Brazil South", "ShortName": "bs2", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 6, "Name": "Brazil Southeast", "ShortName": "bs", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 7, "Name": "Canada Central", "ShortName": "cc", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 8, "Name": "Canada East", "ShortName": "ce", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 9, "Name": "Central India", "ShortName": "ci", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 10, "Name": "Central US", "ShortName": "cu", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 11, "Name": "China East", "ShortName": "ce", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 12, "Name": "China East 2", "ShortName": "ce2", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 13, "Name": "China North", "ShortName": "cn", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 14, "Name": "China North 2", "ShortName": "cn2", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 15, "Name": "East Asia", "ShortName": "ea", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 16, "Name": "East US", "ShortName": "eu", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 17, "Name": "East US 2", "ShortName": "eu2", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 18, "Name": "France Central", "ShortName": "fc", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 19, "Name": "France South", "ShortName": "fs", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 20, "Name": "Germany North", "ShortName": "gn", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 21, "Name": "Germany West Central", "ShortName": "gwc", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 22, "Name": "Japan East", "ShortName": "je", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 23, "Name": "Japan West", "ShortName": "jw", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 24, "Name": "Jio India West", "ShortName": "jiw", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 25, "Name": "Korea Central", "ShortName": "kc", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 26, "Name": "Korea South", "ShortName": "ks", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 27, "Name": "New Zealand North", "ShortName": "nzn", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 28, "Name": "North Central US", "ShortName": "ncu", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 29, "Name": "North Europe", "ShortName": "ne2", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 30, "Name": "Norway East", "ShortName": "ne", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 31, "Name": "Norway West", "ShortName": "nw", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 32, "Name": "South Africa North", "ShortName": "san", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 33, "Name": "South Africa West", "ShortName": "saw", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 34, "Name": "South Central US", "ShortName": "scu", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 35, "Name": "South India", "ShortName": "si", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 36, "Name": "Southeast Asia", "ShortName": "sa", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 37, "Name": "Switzerland North", "ShortName": "sn", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 38, "Name": "Switzerland West", "ShortName": "sw", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 39, 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true }, { "Id": 53, "Name": "West US 2", "ShortName": "wu2", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 54, "Name": "West US 3", "ShortName": "wu3", "Enabled": true } ], "ResourceOrgs": [ { "Id": 2, "Name": "Sample Org", "ShortName": "so", "SortOrder": 1 } ], "ResourceProjAppSvcs": [ { "Id": 4, "Name": "Sample Project/App/Service", "ShortName": "spa", "SortOrder": 1 } ], "ResourceTypes": [ { "Id": 1, "Resource": "AnalysisServices/servers", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "as", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters and numbers. 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Can\u0027t end with period or hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "\\/\\\u0027[]:|\u003C\u003E\u002B=;,?*@\u0026_\u0022", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": ".-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.*[.]$)(?!.*-$)[^\\/\\[\\]:|\u003C\u003E\\\u002B=;,\\?@\u0026_\\*]{1,64}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 86, "Resource": "Compute/virtualMachines", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org", "Property": "Windows", "ShortName": "vm", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "15", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Backslash, slash, double quote, single quote, square brackets, colon, pipe, angle brackets, plus sign, equals sign, semi-colon, comma, question mark, asterisk, at sign, ampersand, and underscore. Can\u0027t include space or period. Can\u0027t end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "/\\\u0027[]:|\u003C\u003E\u002B=;,?*@\u0026_ .\u0022", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.*-$)[^\\/\\[\\]:|\u003C\u003E\\\u002B=;,\\?@\u0026_\\. \\*]{1,15}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 87, "Resource": "Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org", "Property": "Linux", "ShortName": "vmss", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "64", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Backslash, slash, double quote, single quote, square brackets, colon, pipe, angle brackets, plus sign, equals sign, semi-colon, comma, question mark, asterisk, at sign, and ampersand. Can\u0027t use space. Can\u0027t start with underscore. Can\u0027t end with period or hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "/\u0022\u0027[]:|\u003C\u003E\u002B=;,?*@\u0026 ", "InvalidCharactersStart": "_", "InvalidCharactersEnd": ".-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!_.*$)(?!.*[-\\.]$)[^\\/\\[\\]:|\u003C\u003E\\\u002B=;,\\?@\u0026 \\*]{1,64}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 88, "Resource": "Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org", "Property": "Windows", "ShortName": "vmss", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "15", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Backslash, slash, double quote, single quote, square brackets, colon, pipe, angle brackets, plus sign, equals sign, semi-colon, comma, question mark, asterisk, at sign, and ampersand. Can\u0027t use space. Can\u0027t start with underscore. Can\u0027t end with period or hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "/\u0022\u0027[]:|\u003C\u003E\u002B=;,?*@\u0026 ", "InvalidCharactersStart": "_", "InvalidCharactersEnd": ".-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!_.*$)(?!.*[-.]$)[^\u0022\\/\\[\\]:|\u003C\u003E\\\u002B=;,\\?@\u0026 \\*]{1,15}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 89, "Resource": "ContainerInstance/containerGroups", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "ci", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen. Consecutive hyphens aren\u0027t allowed.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "-", "Regx": "^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)(?!.*-{2}.*)[a-z0-9-]{1,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 90, "Resource": "ContainerRegistry/registries", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "cr", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "5", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 91, "Resource": "ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "btsk", "Scope": "registry", "LengthMin": "5", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 92, "Resource": "ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/steps", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "step", "Scope": "build task", "LengthMin": "5", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 93, "Resource": "ContainerRegistry/registries/replications", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "rep", "Scope": "registry", "LengthMin": "5", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 94, "Resource": "ContainerRegistry/registries/scopeMaps", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "scmap", "Scope": "registry", "LengthMin": "5", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{5,50}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 95, "Resource": "ContainerRegistry/registries/tasks", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "task", "Scope": "registry", "LengthMin": "5", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{5,50}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 96, "Resource": "ContainerRegistry/registries/tokens", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "tokn", "Scope": "registry", "LengthMin": "5", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{5,50}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 97, "Resource": "ContainerRegistry/registries/webhooks", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "webhk", "Scope": "registry", "LengthMin": "5", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 98, "Resource": "ContainerService/managedClusters", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "aks", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 99, "Resource": "ContainerServiceopenShiftManagedClusters", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "osmc", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "30", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 100, "Resource": "CustomerInsights/hubs", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "cihub", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "64", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics. 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Start and end with alphnumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 102, "Resource": "CustomerInsights/hubs/connectors", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "conn", "Scope": "hub", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "128", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and underscores. 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Can\u0027t end with a space.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u003C\u003E*%\u0026:?\u002B/\\", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.* $)[^\u003C\u003E\\*%\u0026:\\\u002B\\/\\?]{1,260}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 204, "Resource": "MachineLearning/webServices", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "mlweb", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "260", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Angle brackets, asterisk, percent sign, ampersand, colon, backslash, question mark, plus sign, and slash. Can\u0027t end with a space.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u003C\u003E*%\u0026:?\u002B/\\", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.* $)[^\u003C\u003E\\*%\u0026:\\\u002B\\/\\?]{1,260}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 205, "Resource": "MachineLearning/workspaces", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "mlws", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "260", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Angle brackets, asterisk, percent sign, ampersand, colon, backslash, question mark, plus sign, and slash. Can\u0027t end with a space.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u003C\u003E*%\u0026:?\u002B/\\", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.* $)[^\u003C\u003E\\*%\u0026:\\\u002B\\/\\?]{1,260}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 206, "Resource": "MachineLearningServices/workspaces", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "mlw", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "33", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,33}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 207, "Resource": "MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "mlswc", "Scope": "workspace", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "16", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,16}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 208, "Resource": "ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "id", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "128", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores. Start with letter or number.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,127}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 209, "Resource": "Management/managementGroups", "Optional": "Org,UnitDept,ProjAppSvc,Environment", "Exclude": "Function,Instance,Location", "Property": "", "ShortName": "mg", "Scope": "tenant", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 210, "Resource": "Maps/accounts", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "macc", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "98", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,97}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 211, "Resource": "Media/mediaservices", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "mms", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "24", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters and numbers.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 212, "Resource": "Media/mediaservices/liveEvents", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "lievt", "Scope": "Media service", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "32", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,31}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 213, "Resource": "Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/liveOutputs", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "liout", "Scope": "Live event", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "256", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,255}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 214, "Resource": "Media/mediaservices/streamingEndpoints", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "strep", "Scope": "Media service", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "256", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,256}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 215, "Resource": "Migrate/assessmentProjects", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "", "ShortName": "migr", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 216, "Resource": "Network/applicationGateways", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "agw", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "24", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,22}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 217, "Resource": "Network/applicationSecurityGroups", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "asg", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 218, "Resource": "Network/azureFirewalls", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "afw", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 219, "Resource": "Network/bastionHosts", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "bas", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 220, "Resource": "Network/connections", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "con", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 221, "Resource": "Network/dnsZones", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "dnsz", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Each label can contain alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens. Each label is a set of characters separated by a period. For example, has 2 labels. 2 to 34 labels.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\u002B[\\.]){1,33}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\u002B$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 222, "Resource": "Network/expressRouteCircuits", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "erc", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 223, "Resource": "Network/firewallPolicies", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "waf", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 224, "Resource": "Network/firewallPolicies/ruleGroups", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "wafrg", "Scope": "firewall policy", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 225, "Resource": "Network/frontDoors", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "fd", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "64", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 226, "Resource": "Network/frontdoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "fdfp", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "128", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics. Start with letter.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,127})$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 227, "Resource": "Network/loadBalancers", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "internal", "ShortName": "lbi", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 228, "Resource": "Network/loadBalancers", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "external", "ShortName": "lbe", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 229, "Resource": "Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "rule", "Scope": "load balancer", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 230, "Resource": "Network/localNetworkGateways", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "lgw", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 231, "Resource": "Network/networkInterfaces", "Optional": "UnitDept,Function", "Exclude": "Org", "Property": "", "ShortName": "nic", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 232, "Resource": "Network/networkSecurityGroups", "Optional": "UnitDept,Function", "Exclude": "Org", "Property": "", "ShortName": "nsg", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 233, "Resource": "Network/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "nsgsr", "Scope": "network security group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "AllowDnsTcpInbound,DenyFtpAnyOutbound", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 234, "Resource": "Network/networkWatchers", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "nw", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 235, "Resource": "Network/privateDnsZones", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "pdnsz", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Each label can contain alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens. Each label is a set of characters separated by a period. For example, has 2 labels. 2 to 34 labels.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\u002B\\.){1,33}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\u002B$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 236, "Resource": "Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "pdnsv", "Scope": "private DNS zone", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{1,80}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 237, "Resource": "Network/privateLinkServices", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "", "ShortName": "pl", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 238, "Resource": "Network/publicIPAddresses", "Optional": "UnitDept,Function", "Exclude": "Org", "Property": "", "ShortName": "pip", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 239, "Resource": "Network/publicIPPrefixes", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "", "ShortName": "ippre", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 240, "Resource": "Network/routeFilters", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "rf", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{1,80}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 241, "Resource": "Network/routeFilters/routeFilterRules", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "nrfrr", "Scope": "route filter", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 242, "Resource": "Network/routeTables", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "", "ShortName": "rt", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 243, "Resource": "Network/routeTables/routes", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "udr", "Scope": "route table", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{1,80}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 244, "Resource": "Network/serviceEndpointPolicies", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "se", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. 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End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 245, "Resource": "Network/trafficManagerProfiles", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "", "ShortName": "traf", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 246, "Resource": "Network/virtualNetworkGateways", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "vgw", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{1,80}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 247, "Resource": "Network/virtualNetworks", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "vnet", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "64", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. 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End alphanumeric or underscore.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 253, "Resource": "Network/vpnSites", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "vpn", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "80", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. 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Start alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{1,260}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 257, "Resource": "NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs/AuthorizationRules", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "rule", "Scope": "notification hub", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "256", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{1,256}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 258, "Resource": "OperationalInsights/clusters", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "opic", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "4", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens. 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The solution type is case-sensitive.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z]\u002B[(][a-zA-Z-]\u002B[)]$", "StaticValues": "AntiMalware(contoso-IT)", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 261, "Resource": "Portal/dashboards", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "pdash", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "160", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,160}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 262, "Resource": "PowerBI/workspaceCollections", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "pbiwc", "Scope": "region", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens. ", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start with hyphen. Can\u0027t use consecutive hyphens.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "-", "Regx": "^(?!-.*)(?!.*-{2}.*)[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,62}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 263, "Resource": "PowerBIDedicated/capacities", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "pbi", "Scope": "region", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters or numbers Start with lowercase letter. Start with lowercase letter.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-z][a-z0-9-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 264, "Resource": "Purview/accounts", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "", "ShortName": "pview", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 265, "Resource": "RecoveryServices/vaults", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "rsv", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens. 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Start and end with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-/]{0,258}[a-zA-Z0-9])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 272, "Resource": "Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "wcfra", "Scope": "Wcf relay", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens and underscores. 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Start with letter. End with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{4,48}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 280, "Resource": "ServiceBus/namespaces/AuthorizationRules", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "rule", "Scope": "namespace", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens, and underscores. 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End with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{4,48}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 282, "Resource": "ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "migc", "Scope": "namespace", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "Should always be $default.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "/$default/", "StaticValues": "$default", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 283, "Resource": "ServiceBus/namespaces/queues", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sbq", "Scope": "namespace", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "260", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes. 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Start and end with alphnumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-\\/]{0,258}[a-zA-Z0-9])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 286, "Resource": "ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "rule", "Scope": "topic", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens, and underscores. Start and end with alphnumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 287, "Resource": "ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "tsub", "Scope": "topic", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens, and underscores. 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End with lowercase letter or number", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-z][a-z0-9-]{2,21}[a-z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 290, "Resource": "SignalRService/signalR", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sigr", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with letter. End with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 291, "Resource": "Sql/managedInstances", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sqlmi", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)[a-z0-9-]{1,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 292, "Resource": "Sql/servers", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "Azure SQL Data Warehouse", "ShortName": "sqldw", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)[a-z0-9-]{1,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 293, "Resource": "Sql/servers", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "Azure SQL Database Server", "ShortName": "sql", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)[a-z0-9-]{1,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 294, "Resource": "Sql/servers/administrators", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sqlsa", "Scope": "server", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "Must be ActiveDirectory.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "/ActiveDirectory/", "StaticValues": "ActiveDirectory", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 295, "Resource": "Sql/servers/databases", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sqldb", "Scope": "server", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "128", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Angle brackets, asterisk, percent sign, ampersand, colon, backslash, slash, and question mark. Can\u0027t end with period or space.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u003C\u003E*%\u0026:/?", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": ". ", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.*[\\.]$)(?!.* $)[^\u003C\u003E\\*%\u0026:\\/\\?]{1,128}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 296, "Resource": "Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sqlsg", "Scope": "database", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "150", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,150}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 297, "Resource": "Sql/servers/elasticPools", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sqlep", "Scope": "server", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "128", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Angle brackets, asterisk, percent sign, ampersand, colon, backslash, slash, and question mark. Can\u0027t end with period or space.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u003C\u003E*%\u0026:/?", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": ". ", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.*[\\.]$)(?!.* $)[^\u003C\u003E\\*%\u0026:\\/\\?]{1,128}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 298, "Resource": "Sql/servers/failoverGroups", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sqlfg", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)[a-z0-9-]{1,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 299, "Resource": "Sql/servers/firewallRules", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sqlfw", "Scope": "server", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "128", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Angle brackets, asterisk, percent sign, ampersand, colon, backslash, slash, and question mark. Can\u0027t end with period.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u003C\u003E*%\u0026:;/?", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": ".", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.*[\\.]$)[^\u003C\u003E\\*%\u0026:\\/\\?]{1,128}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 300, "Resource": "Storage/blob", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sbl", "Scope": "container", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "1024", "ValidText": "Any URL characters, case sensitive.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[A-Za-z0-9-_\\.~]{1,1024}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 301, "Resource": "Storage/queue", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "squ", "Scope": "storage account", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen. Can\u0027t use consecutive hyphens.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "-", "Regx": "^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)(?!.*-{2}.*)[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{2,62}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 302, "Resource": "Storage/storageAccounts", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "VM Storage Account", "ShortName": "stvm", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "24", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters and numbers.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 303, "Resource": "Storage/storageAccounts", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "st", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "24", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters and numbers.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 304, "Resource": "Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "stbl", "Scope": "storage account", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "Must be default.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "/default/", "StaticValues": "default", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 305, "Resource": "Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "stblc", "Scope": "storage account", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Start with lowercase letter or number. ", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t use consecutive hyphens.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "-", "Regx": "^(?!.*-{2}.*)[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{2,62}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 306, "Resource": "Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "stfs", "Scope": "storage account", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "Must be default.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "/default/", "StaticValues": "default", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 307, "Resource": "Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/shares", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "stfss", "Scope": "storage account", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen. Can\u0027t use consecutive hyphens.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "-", "Regx": "^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)(?!.*-{2}.*)[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{2,62}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 308, "Resource": "Storage/storageAccounts/managementPolicies", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "stmp", "Scope": "storage account", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "Must be default.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "/default/", "StaticValues": "default", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 309, "Resource": "Storage/table", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sta", "Scope": "storage account", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics. Start with letter.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2,62}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 310, "Resource": "StorageSync/storageSyncServices", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sss", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "260", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, spaces, periods, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t end with period or space.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": ". ", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.*[\\.]$)(?!.* $)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\. -]{1,260}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 311, "Resource": "StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sgrp", "Scope": "storage sync service", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "260", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, spaces, periods, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t end with period or space.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": ". ", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^(?!.*[\\.]$)(?!.* $)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.- ]{1,260}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 312, "Resource": "StorSimple/managers", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "ssimp", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "50", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with letter. End with alphanumeric.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 313, "Resource": "StreamAnalytics/cluster", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "", "ShortName": "asa", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 314, "Resource": "StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sasj", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 315, "Resource": "StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sjf", "Scope": "streaming job", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 316, "Resource": "StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sjin", "Scope": "streaming job", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 317, "Resource": "StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sjout", "Scope": "streaming job", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 318, "Resource": "StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/transformations", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "sjtrf", "Scope": "streaming job", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 319, "Resource": "Subscription/subscriptions", "Optional": "Org,UnitDept,ProjAppSvc,Instance", "Exclude": "ResourceType,Function,Location", "Property": "", "ShortName": "subcr", "Scope": "tenant", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 320, "Resource": "Synapse/workspaces", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "", "ShortName": "synw", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 321, "Resource": "Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "Azure Synapse Analytics Spark Pool", "ShortName": "synsp", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 322, "Resource": "Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools", "Optional": "", "Exclude": "", "Property": "Azure Synapse Analytics SQL Dedicated Pool", "ShortName": "syndp", "Scope": "", "LengthMin": "", "LengthMax": "", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 323, "Resource": "TimeSeriesInsights/environments", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "tsi", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "90", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Single quote, angle brackets, percent sign, ampersand, colon, backslash, question mark, slash, and number sign.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u0027\u003C\u003E%\u0026:\\?/#", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[^\u0027\u003C\u003E%\u0026:\\\\?/#]{1,90}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 324, "Resource": "TimeSeriesInsights/environments/accessPolicies", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "tsiea", "Scope": "environment", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "90", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Single quote, angle brackets, percent sign, ampersand, colon, backslash, question mark, slash, and number sign.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u0027\u003C\u003E%\u0026:\\?/#", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[^\u0027\u003C\u003E%\u0026:\\\\?/#]{1,90}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 325, "Resource": "TimeSeriesInsights/environments/eventSources", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "tsiee", "Scope": "environment", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "90", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Single quote, angle brackets, percent sign, ampersand, colon, backslash, question mark, slash, and number sign.", "InvalidCharacters": "\u003C\u003E%\u0026:\\?/#", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[^\u0027\u003C\u003E%\u0026:\\\\?/#]{1,90}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 326, "Resource": "TimeSeriesInsights/environments/referenceDataSets", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "tsier", "Scope": "environment", "LengthMin": "3", "LengthMax": "63", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,63}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 327, "Resource": "Web/certificates", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "wbcer", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "260", "ValidText": "", "InvalidText": "Slash", "InvalidCharacters": "/", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^((?!\\/).){1,260}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 328, "Resource": "Web/serverfarms", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "plan", "Scope": "resource group", "LengthMin": "1", "LengthMax": "40", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,40}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 329, "Resource": "Web/sites", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "Static Web App", "ShortName": "stapp", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "60", "ValidText": "Contains alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,58}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 330, "Resource": "Web/sites", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "Web App", "ShortName": "app", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "60", "ValidText": "Contains alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,58}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 331, "Resource": "Web/sites", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "Function App", "ShortName": "func", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "60", "ValidText": "Contains alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,58}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 332, "Resource": "Web/sites", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "App Service Environment", "ShortName": "ase", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "60", "ValidText": "Contains alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,58}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 333, "Resource": "Web/sites", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "Azure Static Web Apps", "ShortName": "aswba", "Scope": "global", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "60", "ValidText": "Contains alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "Can\u0027t start or end with hyphen.", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "-", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "-", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,58}[a-zA-Z0-9]$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true }, { "Id": 334, "Resource": "Web/sites/slots", "Optional": "UnitDept", "Exclude": "Org,Function", "Property": "", "ShortName": "slot", "Scope": "site", "LengthMin": "2", "LengthMax": "60", "ValidText": "Alphanumerics and hyphens.", "InvalidText": "", "InvalidCharacters": "", "InvalidCharactersStart": "", "InvalidCharactersEnd": "", "InvalidCharactersConsecutive": "", "Regx": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,60}$", "StaticValues": "", "Enabled": true } ], "ResourceUnitDepts": [ { "Id": 3, "Name": "Sample Unit/Dept", "ShortName": "sud", "SortOrder": 1 } ], "ResourceFunctions": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "Sample Function", "ShortName": "func", "SortOrder": 1 } ], "CustomComponents": [], "GeneratedNames": [], "AdminLogs": [ { "Id": 3, "CreatedOn": "2022-12-12T13:25:53.8649508+00:00", "Title": "INFORMATION", "Message": "Admin logged in." }, { "Id": 2, "CreatedOn": "2022-12-10T13:55:24.1229434+00:00", "Title": "SUCCESS", "Message": "(ResourceLocation) Locations configuration refreshed!" }, { "Id": 1, "CreatedOn": "2022-12-10T13:54:03.8734591+00:00", "Title": "SUCCESS", "Message": "(ResourceType) Types configuration refreshed!" }, { "Id": 0, "CreatedOn": "2022-12-10T13:53:52.087241+00:00", "Title": "SUCCESS", "Message": "(ResourceType) Types configuration refreshed!" } ], "SALTKey": "", "AdminPassword": "", "APIKey": "" } ```
BryanSoltis commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the details. I created a new Docker installation and imported your configuration and everything was fine The error you are seeing int he Web Developer Console is due to it not being able to access Twitter (to load the latest Azure Naming Tool news). You can try disabling this and see if there is still and issue in Generating a name. This should not cause a problem, but would be an easy test top do.


The Generate page will attempt to validate that all the required components are selected before enabling the "Generate" button. It does this by a number of roundtrips to the server to check your fields/form, etc. It appears as if this communication is failing for some reason. Try disabling the "news" feed (screen shot above) and let's see if that fixes it.

If that fails, I recommend trying to deploy to another environment (the provided GitHub Action makes things fairly simple to deploying an Azure App Service).


Boggin commented 1 year ago

Turning off 'News' didn't work.

I installed the app to an Azure Web App and I get exactly the same problem, I cannot type into the Instance text box. There's no error in the console.

I've tried in a Firefox private window to make sure no extensions are preventing some script from firing.

I've disabled authentication so anyone can check (this may well be deleted in future):

BryanSoltis commented 1 year ago

Hi Richard,

I just tried exactly how you described and it worked properly. There is no code that would "disable" the Instance field, so I'm not sure why that is happening for you.

I will create a new repository and add you as a contributor. In that repository, I will post a message in the Issues tab to get the URL of your Azure App Service for further investigation.

Boggin commented 1 year ago


I've found what may have been the issue and it's not the AzureNamingApp (although the 'Instance' field is the only time this has happened to me).

I have an external keyboard plugged in to a CalDigit TS3 Plus. I tried plugging my keyboard directly into my laptop and then I could type in to the 'Instance' text field. I then plugged the keyboard back in to the CalDigit and it still worked. I don't know what's happened but I don't think it's worth pursuing, either!

Thanks for taking the time to look at the issue with me.

BryanSoltis commented 1 year ago

Great news! Yeah, that is definitely a new one to me. I'm glad you were able to figure out and thank you again for the feedback. Please let us know if you have more questions or feedback!