microsoft / Cognitive-LUIS-Windows

Windows (.Net) SDK for the Microsoft Language Understanding Intelligent Service API, part of Congitive Services
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Query Luis staging slot and LuisClient #79

Open bebenekmarcin opened 6 years ago

bebenekmarcin commented 6 years ago

Currently I'm using Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS 2.0.2 where is LuisClient class but where there is no option to query staging slot. I see in commit history that you are preparing a new version 3.0.0 but this is not available in nuget yet. How I could query staging slot? If this will be possible in version 3.0.0 and when you are planning to release this to nuget?

markbosshard commented 4 years ago

You can query the staging slot by passing the parameter luisIsStaging = True in the endpoint query string. See docu here:

I am not sure where you build your endpoint String, but I am sure you will find a way to adapt it.

markbosshard commented 4 years ago

If you are in the Bot Framework Backend v4, the answer is here for NodeJS, and C# will be literally almost the same code.