microsoft / Cognitive-LinguisticAnalysis-Windows

Windows SDK for the Microsoft Linguistic Analysis API, part of Cognitive Services
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Failed to gather list of analyzers #11

Open kaancelen opened 4 years ago

kaancelen commented 4 years ago

Hi All,

I receive following error =>

Failed to list supported analyzers: System.Exception: Failed to gather list of analyzers
   at Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Linguistics.Sample.Program.ListAnalyzers() in C:\Users\berat.kaan.celen\Desktop\Social Responsiblity App\Cognitive-LinguisticAnalysis-Windows-master\Sample\Program.cs:line 101
   at Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Linguistics.Sample.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\berat.kaan.celen\Desktop\Social Responsiblity App\Cognitive-LinguisticAnalysis-Windows-master\Sample\Program.cs:line 56

And when I make an API call with postman I receive

GET /linguistics/v1.0/analyzers HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
ocp-apim-subscription-key: {my token}
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 17630898-bc37-e5e3-b334-5422cc311bd6
    "error": {
        "code": "404",
        "message": "Resource not found"