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App is stuck buffering in SharePoint Site #215

Open l-perezvazquez opened 2 weeks ago

l-perezvazquez commented 2 weeks ago

What sample tool are you using? SharePointSSOComponent

Describe the bug After following the guide for the SharePointSSOComponent we're experiencing an endless loading screen in the SharePoint site which uses the packaged app solution.

To Reproduce Follow the instructions in Step 4 of the SharePointSSOComponent .README file. When we click on the button to launch the chatbot a window opens with a "Loading" icon. That chatbot content itself never loads.

Expected behavior The chatbot content should load and return an error if authentication is not possible

Screenshots Loading Screen in SharePoint: image

Console Logs: image

Additional context This has been attempted with the unconfigured packaged solution, a configured package solution with a chatbot developed by our team, a configured packaged solution with a chatbot developed by Microsoft Customer Support Agent. All chatbots result in the loading screen

l-perezvazquez commented 2 weeks ago

Possibly related issues: Issue 212 Issue 199

adilei commented 2 weeks ago

This will typically happen when there's a misconfiguration. Can you share the config details from elements.xml, and your copilot security settings?

You can also look here

adilei commented 6 days ago

@l-perezvazquez, any update?