microsoft / D3D11On12

The Direct3D11-On-12 mapping layer
MIT License
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Debug Markers using PIX #27

Open jmoguillansky-gpsw opened 2 years ago

jmoguillansky-gpsw commented 2 years ago

Hi , I'm trying to debug a directx 11 app using PIX + D3D11On12. It says in the PIX documentation: The D3D11On12 layer will translate calls to [ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation] into PIX markers for you See:

However, they're not showing up in the PIX capture? Please advise

jenatali commented 2 years ago

What OS version are you running? Are you using a custom-built D3D11On12 or the OS-provided one?

jmoguillansky-gpsw commented 2 years ago

I'm using version 20H2 I'm not custom-building D3D11On12

DethRaid commented 2 years ago

I'm running into the same issue. PIX 2206.20, OS Windows 10 21H2, OS-provided D3D11On12

DethRaid commented 2 years ago

Update: The issue was on my end. I was trying to QueryInterface the annotations from the D3D11 device, not the D3D11 context

maoguangmeng commented 1 year ago

What OS version are you running? Are you using a custom-built D3D11On12 or the OS-provided one?

hi sir How to use custom-built D3D11On12 on Microsoft Windows 11 home 10.0.22000?